Wednesday, May 27, 2020


What are the effects of Moon Antar dasha in Saturn Maha dasha for a Virgo ascendant where the Moon is placed in the 6th house?

 Moon is the 11th lord and it being placed in the 6th house may give the native health problems related to phlegm.

Whenever the native goes through Moon’s Maha dasha or antar dasha period the native may suffer from cold, cough, congestion in breathing, etc.

What is the effect of the moon in the 10th house from Lagna?

When a fast moving planet like Moon is placed in the ascendant there would be a lot of changes in the professional life or in the actions one does in life.

The 10th house is not only profession. This house has been attributed to the professional life of a person since most of the serious and consequential actions of a native is attached to his or her professional life.

In actual all the actions we perform are to be seen from the 10th house.

With a strong Moon in the 10th the native becomes very humble, active and receptive to all the others around and hence will excel in his personal and professional life.

If the Moon is weak then the native will have low confidence in communication and hence will get intimidated and hence would behave like an introvert in both the personal and professional life.

All of this is general, but with actual planetary placements more analysis can be done.


How important is the Moon in the practice of Vedanga astrology?

Moon signifies the Mind, the thought process, the memory repository of the past karmas and so on.

It is one of the most important planets which has to be understood to understand the horoscope of a native.

Extreme Meditation (Sadhana) can lead to the understanding of our Subconscious and likewise ourselves.

Self-realization is one of the goals of Astrology as a Vedanga.


What is the result of the moon in the 2nd house for a Pisces ascendant?

Moon the 5th lord in the case of Pisces ascendant is a benefic yogakaraka planet (giver of fortune).

Its placement in the 2nd i.e the house of wealth is an excellent placement.

The 2nd house represents not only wealth but also primary education, speech, eye sight, family, immovable property, face, teeth, etc.

Moon will give good comfortable life and fortune in its planetary period.


What is the result of the Moon in the seventh house in Pisces for Pisces Rashi and Kanya Lagna?

Moon is the 11th lord (Cancer) and is placed in the 7th sign from Virgo ascendant.

This is a very strong position for Moon. Moon is very comfortable in the sign of Pisces since it represents Water and also is owned by Jupiter (one of the timid signs).

Since Moon is placed in the house of relationships, the native would go through emotional and romantic relationship with his/her spouse.

A dull and sober person would never attract this native. But, the native will stay away from aggressive people too.

The native would be attracted to peaceful, but creative personalities.


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