Wednesday, May 27, 2020


According to astrology, when will a person lose or not get the ancestral property?

 The planets concerned with landed property are Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Sun.

The 4th lord and the 4th house indicate the type of house the native will live in. It also represents the environment in which the house is located.

The 8th house represents Parental Property since it is the 5th from the 4th (Poorvapunya sthana from the 4th house) and also the 12th from the 9th (the property that was left by the native’s father/ancestors).

If there is a strong malefic in the 8th house with a strong benefic in the 4th the native will benefit from ancestral property.

The 8th if is posited with a yogakaraka planet then the native will get a huge share or the whole lot of the property.

If the 8th is posited with the ascendant lord with a strong friendly planet also then the native will benefit

if there is a natural benefic (like Jupiter or Moon) and it is not a yoga karaka planet with Rahu/Ketu with it, then the native will face a lot of difficulties and would require to fight a case to get the property or may not get it at all (depends on other factors too).

There are too many combinations for this query and I have illustrated a few of them.


How do I astrologically rectify my birth time?

 The best method for Birth time rectification is to correlate past events with the D1, D9, respective divisional charts, Planetary periods and transit.

There are other methods by using Tajaka Astrology (which originated in the Tajakisthan and has been documented by Neelakanta). Here for every year a chart is generated and the predictions are correlated. This is also known as the Varshaphala technique.

This is a more accurate method.

Once a chart is rectified by the first method should be tested by the second method to be sure of the results.


What is the position of the planets of a drunkard in astrology?

 Moon signifies alcohol and if it is malefically associated or placed in trik sthanas (6th , 8th or the 12th ) then there is a chance that the native would have tendencies towards alcohol.

In the above situation if the ascendant lord is weak and the ascendant is aspected by a malefic then the person can become a drunkard.

Every chart has to be meticulously analysed to understand the formation and cancellation of yogas to determine whether the native has a strong character or not.

Many people have drinking habits, but not all of them are called drunkards. I am referring the word ‘drunkards’ to those people who lose their control after consuming alcohol (or they drink so much that they ultimately lose control).

Rahu is one of the main malefics which is involved in this combination with Moon. Other planets like the weak Mercury, afflicted Mars and so on also will influence the planetary combinations.


How will a person become mad according to astrology?

 Buddhi Jada Yoga (The yoga in which a man loses his strength to use his intelligence) defines as to the positions of planets which will make a man a dunce.

If the Ascendant lord conjoins evil planets.

Saturn occupies the 5th (the house of creativity and imagination)

Ascendant lord is aspected by or conjoins Saturn.

Mathi Bramana yoga (The yoga in which a person will go blank or will be day dreaming)

Ascendant lord is weak and is aspected by evil planets like Rahu/Ketu etc.

Ascendant is associated or aspected by Saturn

Mercury is weak and is malefically disposed

Buddhi Manda Roga Yoga (The combination of retardedness or very low in intellect)

There are many combinations which lead to slowness or retardedness, a few are as follows: -

The Ascendant lord is placed in the 6th (the house of illness) or with the 6th lord and with Saturn placed in the Ascendant.

The combination of Mercury (Buddhi - Intellect), Manda (Saturn) and Roga (6th house or 6th lord)

Moon in the 6th house with Rahu and the ascendant is weak with Saturn posited in it.

It should be verified in the respective divisional charts too to confirm the above results.

When Mars is associated with the above combinations then the native will be aggressive in behaviour.

As per Vedic astrology, which planetary transits make one’s life stagnant, stuck, trapped and have no hope?

 When Saturn and Ketu both transit the same sign and it being the 7th, 8th or the 12th from the Ascendant or Moon then the native will go through unwanted and unnecessary troubles. The native will feel stuck or trapped in problems.

 Tough time it will be and the native needs support and counselling from his near ones.

The 12th Bhava in my horoscope is the strongest in Shadbala. Is it bad?

 The 12th bhava represents foreign settlement, losses, hospitalization, learning foreign language, sensuality, pleasure, etc.

When the 12th bhava is strong, i.e with a strong bhava bala (not shadbala - which is for planets), then the native will enjoy all the necessary luxuries and will acquire materials of status and luxury.

 If the 2nd lord is well placed, then the native does well in a foreign country.

Do you use a specific school of astrology?

 Yes, every astrologer has his expertise in a particular method of Astrology.

Firstly, there are two major divisions The Sayana system (Movable Zodiac system) which is followed by the Westerners and The Nirayana system (Fixed Zodiac system) which is followed by the Vedic Hindus in India.

I follow the Nirayana system of astrology in which the line of normal from the center of Earth to the tangent (at the equator) is aligned to Zero degree Aries using the Sidereal system. Here in this system we rectify the calculation by correcting the Ayanamsa error which is about 50 1/3 seconds every year due to the wobbling of Earth.

I use mainly the method elucidated in the classic astrological text of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (BPHS - by Parashara) and then to support it I use the techniques listed in the Tajaka by Neelakanta Jyotishi (A system which was used in the regions of Tajakisthan - Tejas Sthan).

Tejas means fast moving and hence is the name of horses which are one of the fastest in the world and hence the name of a nation Tajes-sthan or Tajakisthan.

This system of Tajaka will give us the details of timing and intensity of an event and complements the classic BPHS.

Sheer intuition is bestowed by which planet in Vedic astrology?

 Mercury signifies Intellect, Sun signifies Consciousness, Jupiter signifies Wisdom but Ketu signifies higher thinking and intuition.

Now, when Ketu is well placed with all the other three planets well placed from the ascendant, then the native will be bestowed with the power of Intuition.

A sudden thought or answer to a query comes to the mind when the person concerned is active and has a clear thought process. A meditative person will be continuously thinking and pondering into issues which concern the mind.

 With an active and well placed Ketu will make a person seek answers. We call these minds as researchers or scientists.

Is there any yoga in astrology which shows separation from relatives? What is the effect of this yoga on family?

 The 2nd house indicates family (Kutumb) and the 3rd from the 2nd that is the 4th house indicates activity with the family members.

Now when the 2nd is badly placed then the native will not have a good or big family.

But, if the 2nd is well placed or normally placed and the 4th house is malefically placed and weak then there will be differences with close family members.

The 3rd house is the 12th from the 4th and hence signifies separation or distance from close family members. If the 3rd lord is malefically strong and the 4th is weak then there is a possibility of distancing from one’s family due to woes.

 But, if the 3rd is beneficially placed and strong, the 4th is also well placed then there might be distance between the native and his/her family due to abroad settlement or job, but there will be good relationship and ties between the native and the family members.

What results does the Sun give if placed in Shatabhisha Nakshatra and present in the fourth house of the birth chart?

 For Scorpio ascendant the sign Aquarius becomes the 4th house and contains the Nakshatra (constellation) Shatabisha which is ruled by Rahu.

Sun being the lord Leo (which is the 7th house from the sign of Aquarius) is said to become weak when placed in the sign of Aquarius (which is ruled by Saturn).

In this case it is placed in the constellation ruled by Rahu. This position is not good and might give health problems and problems in job for the native (since Sun is also the 10th lord).

What effect was mercury combust retrograde and debilitated in the 8th house?

 For a Leo ascendant Mercury is the 2nd and the 11th lord and is a partial benefic.

Mercury is placed in the 8th house (sign of Pisces) and is combust due to its closeness to Sun and is also retrograde (is in between Sun and Earth in the solar system).

The exact degree of Mercury is important factor to decide the intensity of combustion.

But, if we assume that Mercury is at least 2 degrees away from Sun, then due to being retrograde it will gain a lot of strength and will shine brightly.

Being a malefic in the 8th (since it is also the 11th lord) it may cause hurdles and confusion in completion of education and also in career.

 It is difficult to suggest any remedy without the horoscope details.

Which zodiac signs give the best advice?

 Every Zodiac Sign has its own expertise. Being an expert in a particular subject makes a person eligible for advice.

Let’s take each sign one by one and see what areas these natives can become / are expert in (naturally), keeping aside the influences of planets due to their placements.

Aries (lord of the sign is Mars) - Martial Arts expert, Officer in Army, Sports (Outdoor mainly), Surgeons, etc.

Taurus (lord of the sign Venus) - Businessmen, Traders, Agriculturists, Floriculturists, Artists, Actors, Models, Designers, Body Builders, etc.

Gemini (lord of the sign Mercury) - Businessmen, Engineers, Mathematicians, Indoor Games, Computer Science Engineer, Law makers, News Anchors, Language Specialists, etc.

Cancer (lord of the sign Moon) - Swimmers, Painters, Chemical Engineers, Commercial Bankers, Teachers, Preachers, Dentists, etc.

Leo (lord of the sign Sun) - Physicians, Cardiac, Ortho and Gynaecology Surgeons, Ayurveda Doctors, Vedic Practitioners (Scriptures generally), Jewellers, Engineers in Core subjects, Officer in Govt. Service, etc.

Virgo (lord of the sign Mercury) - Chartered Accountants, Bankers, Dramatists, Writers, Professors, Journalists, Editors, etc.

Libra (lord of the sign Venus) - Share market and Online Traders, Investment Bankers, Film Producers, Entrepreneurs, Marketing Executives, etc.

Scorpio (lord of sign Mars) - Police Officers, Detectives, Spies, Electrical Engineers, Politicians, Automobile Engineers, Head of Research and Development of Products, etc.

Sagittarius (lord of sign Jupiter) - Professors, Human Resource Managers, Mentors, Neuro Surgeons, Magistrates and Judges, etc.

Capricorn (lord of sign Saturn) - Social Workers, Soldiers, Masons, Historians, Geologists, Book Keepers and Accountants, Industrialists, Hostel Wardens, Hoteliers, etc.

Aquarius (lord of sign Saturn) - Psychologists, Child care experts, Paediatricians, Quality Mangers, Operations Expert, Welfare managers, Legal Expert, Urologists, etc.

Pisces (lord of sign Jupiter) - Accountants, Builders, Real-estate Businessmen, Bankers, Preachers, Teachers, Swimmers, Counsellors, etc.


When should you see a transit from Lagna, when from the moon and when from Jupiter?


This is one of the most important queries in the subject of Planetary Transit.

Firstly, we all know that a thought provokes an action and an action makes history. How does a new thought arise in one’s mind? When does a person think of doing something? Which planet activates his mind? It is the Moon.

To know the events that are thought provoked we need to see the transit from Moon.

Secondly, all those material manifestations, physical manifestations that happen in our life (where our thought process has nothing to do with) has to be judged by the position of the ascendant and the ascendant lord.

For example, if a person has to attend a function, it is his prerogative to attend it or not, but after he decides to attend it, he has very little to do with the seating provided, ambience around him, the music, the people invited to the function, the food, etc. All these are physical manifestations which one has no part to decide prior but have to go through the experience.

Another example is that One decides to attend a function (a positive thought of the mind) but on the way his car meets with an accident (a physical hindrance) and he is not able to make it to the function. Now was it his thought was weak or the physical hurdle in the nature of an accident was a stronger force to stop him proceed?

Hence to understand the material acquisitions, physical surroundings and comfort, events like accidents, unforeseen events, operations, etc., have to be analysed by analyzing the transit of planets from the ascendant and not from the Moon.

For Marriage and Conjugal happiness (to fix up a muhurtha - auspicious timing) we need to calculate the transit from Venus

For Higher studies and Business prospects we need to see it from Jupiter

For Mothers health we need to see it from Moon

For Fathers health and the native’s confidence (since Sun represents psyche - Soul) we need to see it from the Sun.

Analysis of mutual positions of planets is very important in knowing how events will turnout.

Hope this article will have triggered a new way of looking into the chart for Students of Astrology.


Can an astrology chart reveal the religion of a person?

If you analyse the D1 (Rasi Kundali), D9 (Navamsa Kundali) and the D24 (Siddhamsha or Chaturvimshamsa Kundali) one can understand the type of person the native is.

The planets which are guiding him in forming his character will suggest as to what his belief system would be like.

Belief systems are nothing but isms in a brief sense. Lets not go till the facts of finding out the religion a native is pertaining to. Since many people do not follow in practice the religion they are born into.

Then what is a religion if you do not follow it.

The real religion is the one the person is following in his way of life. This can be surely deduced from the horoscope of a person.

As to whether the person respects Honesty, respects rights of Women, Listens to others, Ethical, Compassionate, etc.

So, if you are an ardent follower of a religion, it should be reflecting in the way you think and your practices and hence in the chart too.


How do you read a Kundali chart?


This depends on the methods an astrologer uses to decipher the chart.

I use primarily one technique called as the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (BPHS) and for further indepth analysis and timing of events use the techniques elucidated in the texts of Tajik Neelakanta.

While using the BPHS the method includes Significations, Signs, Combination of Planets (Yogas), Timing and intensity of an event through Dasha periods (Planetary Periods) and then estimation of Doshas (malefic combinations which cancel other good combinations and become hurdles) and their effects.

Tajik rules are applied to understand the speed, movement and degrees of planets and their mutual involvement with each other in making an event happen. The yogas briefly used are Ithasala yoga, Israfa Yoga, Kamboola Yoga, Gairi Kamboola Yoga, Muntha placements, etc.

After both the techniques are done with and for further confirmation I go through the transits of planets and their avasthas (status), this further modifies and fine tunes the timing of an event.

Here the technique is by overlapping the present transit over the Ashtakavarga (Rekhas and Bindus) to determine the favourable and non-favourable periods for a given native.


Which is the world's most dangerous horoscope?


A horoscope in which a person lacks humanity, mutual respect, love towards this creation and is a sadist is considered as the most dangerous.

Students of astrology have to go through the charts which have the following combinations: -

1.  A malefically afflicted ascendant and ascendant lord.

2.  A strong malefically afflicted Moon

3.  A strong malefically afflicted Sun

4.  Rahu placed in the trines or quadrants

5.  The planet of Wisdom Jupiter being retrograde and malefically afflicted.

6.  The 8th house being crowded by planets or the 8th lord is strongly posited along with malefics.

The more the points seen in a chart the more the dangerous the person is for humanity and this world.


Why is astrology commercialized while still in villages it’s done as a service?


In villages the life style is limited and the demands of a family is also less. The questioner also does not expect the astrologer to go in depth and give a detailed reading. The questions are not complicated as it is compared to the urban population. Hence the astrologer is ready to accept whatever the client has to offer.

I just want to ask this to everyone on this forum.

If you want an in depth analysis of a chart and would want the astrologer to give the correct guidance for your future what is wrong in paying the astrologer his professional fee? Since everyone knows that the astrologer will spend his time for doing all the calculations required to give his prediction.

If the astrologer charges you exorbitantly then the debate is valid, but if the astrologer is earning his daily bread through his profession then what is wrong.

You do not mean to suggest that all astrologers should be living a meagre life style, send their children to the cheapest of schools, do not own any property or have any dreams for their children, do not take their family out for picnics and live only hand to mouth, do you?

I live in our farm house in a village and I do give free advises to all those villagers who visit me for astrological guidance. But, how should I run my family for nothing comes free?

Please explain.


What is the solution for Pitru Dosha in Kundli?


Charity and Service to the old and the needy is the only and the best solution for cooling down Pitru Dosha (PD).

PD is wrongly understood by many and hence the fear and hype created in the general public.

These people who are already in fear are gullible to get cheated by faulty astrologers and pundits who force them to perform Narayana Bali and many more rituals and swindle money.

Only by performing these rituals PD cannot be solved.

Let’s for instance discuss a chart with Pitru Dosha.

Sun is malefically influenced, the 9th is malefically posited, the 9th lord is weak and so on.

In this case the native will be suffering from low confidence and fear due the weak Sun. Confidence building and psychological counselling will help, not a ritual.

When the 9th house or the 9th lord is weak, it is clear indicator that the native will not have good relationship with his/her father and hence again situation has to be dealt with different approach and not just perform a ritual.

There might be medical problems which are troubling the native’s father which has to be diagnosed and set right.


I have taken a very basic example, but hope I have conveyed my opinion on dealing with Pitru Dosha.


In astrology, why do people consider only Jupiter, Saturn, Raghu, and Kethu? Are other planets not so important?


Let’s begin with an example.

Like a fruit takes a lot of time to happen from a flower, an event takes time to build up and then fructify. These slow and stable events roll due to the effect of slow moving planets.

Some events like suddenly deciding to watch a movie in a theater with your friend would have got triggered by a fast moving planet.

Accidents happen due to the conflict of friction between slow and fast moving planets.

The slow moving planets (generally the average speed is taken) are Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu.

The Fast moving are Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and Moon.

The slow moving planets when trigger an event, the result will be stable and long standing. The event being good or bad for the native again depends on the planet involved.

So the slow moving planets are the ones you have mentioned in the query and hence the importance given to them in the field of predictions.


What effects can be expected when six planets appear in one rasi, as in the case of 26 Dec 2019?


This piling up of planets in a single sign is called as Graha Koota. This has happened many times and you often see them in charts.

Have to individually deal with each planet. The distance between each planet mutually and its effect with the influencing planet to be understood.

Combustion of planets have to be checked.

The the yogas formed and whether cancelled have to be verified.

Only after that prediction has to be done.

For example, on 28.03.1980 5 planets, Saturn, Jupiter, Moon, Mars and Rahu were placed in Leo with Ketu and Mercury in Aquarius (in the opposite sign).

7 planets in one line (but within a 30-degree arc which is huge).

In this case Saturn, Jupiter and Mars were all retrograde.

There are many instances of Graha koota, but all of them have their uniqueness and have to be dealt with individually.

Let’s discuss the query in detail.

On 26.12.2019 at 10.42am IST, Sun and Moon both will be in the same degrees i.e 9 deg 58 mins and 58/55 secs, along with Saturn at 26 deg 35 mins, Jupiter at 11 deg 12 mins, Mercury at 1 deg 13 mins and Ketu at 14 deg 25 mins.

Both Sun and Moon are 5 degrees from Ketu but still have mutual influence over each other.

Saturn is at 26 degrees and the nearest planet is Ketu at 14 degrees which is 12 degrees away from it, there is no mutual influence of either planet over the other.

Jupiter is at 11 degrees and is very close to both Sun and Moon. Jupiter can be considered combust due to this closeness to Sun (within 2 degrees).

Mercury is at 1 degree and is very far from this confluence of planets.

Ketu is very close to Jupiter and has full influence over it.

The main concern should be to the combination of Jupiter, Sun, Moon and Ketu.

Here Jupiter being in its own house has taken all the burnt. It is most malefically afflicted and weak planet though it has gained a shadbala of 1.05 rupas.

The financial situation in the country will be affected further. Political uncertainty and turmoil will continue till the first week of January.

Though this is just a temporary phase in some places the impact may be permanent in nature. There is a chance of natural calamities like earth quake or fire mishap.

This is a cosmic effect and no human energy can combat, let’s all pray and stay calm.


Why do people of astrology worry when they hear Mercury is retrograde?


There is nothing to worry.

The major signification of Mercury is that it rules the Kaliyuga. Since it represents the intelligence required to survive in this present world. Most of this intelligence is wasted in planning, manipulation and avoiding conflicts.

Mercury when becomes retro will make the native straight forward, sometimes rude when irritated, does not believe until proved, inquisitive, bold and will react rather than respond.

People generally do not like truth spoken back to them on their face and hence they might fear the fact when Mercury becomes retrograde.


What combination of planets indicate a rich spouse and in laws?


A spouse of a native is seen from the 7th house. Considering the 7th as the ascendant the 2nd from it (i.e the 8th house), the 9th from it (i.e. the 3rd house) and the 11th from it (i.e. the 5th house) should be strong and well placed.

The lords of these houses should have mutual aspect or conjunction with the ascendant lord.

The best combination would be when the 3rd lord is posited in the 5th and the 5th lord gets posited in the 8th house from the ascendant.

The 11th house of the native’s chart is also important since it is the 5th from the 7th house.


How do you predict moksha after death in Vedic astrology?


I get to answer this query once in many years and hence the lack of practice.

I agree that there are many tenets elucidated in the classics which mention the positions of Ketu and other planets which make a person achieve the path of Moksha.

The 10th lord and the 10th house plays a very important role in this as the 10th represents the Karma sthana (house of actions/deeds).

Also out of the 4 quadrants the 10th represents the Moksha.

It is said in the Karma theory that when a person finishes all his Karma (or let’s say that he has exhausted all his Karma) then he has to leave this abode to the next Janma or towards Moksha (Salvation).

If there is complete realization (seen from the 12th house, Ascendant, 8th house, 10th house and the 11th and the trines - 5th and the 9th)

of one’s self by losing one’s own identity and merge into the super consciousness of this creation (12th from lagna),

have the determination to pursue to stabilize a trance like situation (ascendant itself),

renunciation of the Maya (bondage) - (seen from the 8th),

being and adept ascetic (seen from the 11th),

moving forward from the previous Janma (birth) - (seen from the 5th)

into the realms of the next birth without any attachments (seen from the 9th)

one can merge completely one’s Body, Mind and Soul into the Supra Conscious and realize as you are non-other than the creation itself.

Here the duality collapses.


How do I see spiritual progress in a horoscope? What houses should I consider?

The ascendant is the source of everything and hence you should start from the ascendant, ascendant lord and its associations.

Then understand the innate cravings (Vasana) of the chart by analysing the 8th house/the 8th lord and its conjunctions and aspects.

The 5th, the 9th and the 12th houses and lords represent your journey towards higher spiritual knowledge.

The D9 chart, the D20 and the D24 are to be verified to understand the path in which you can proceed towards achieving spirituality.

The stronger the upachayas (3rd, 6th, 10th and the 11th) the stronger the urge for spiritual path.

The stronger the Trines (1st, 5th and the 9th) the stronger the motivation to research, to know and then proceed.

The stronger the 4 quadrants (1st, 4th, 7th and the 10th) the stronger the urge to acquire property, materials, fame and status.

The D24 chart will show the planets which will favour your path towards spirituality.


How come anybody predicts the future by astrology when they say that a man makes his own future? Isn't it a contradiction?


Yes it is a contradiction to those people who have to confidence to live their life the way they want to live it.

In most cases Astrology is not required and predictions are not a must.

Its the anxiety of a person which leads him to ponder into the realms of astrology and since he does not know how to decipher a chart, he goes to an astrologer.

In fact a person needs to go to an astrologer not for predictions, but to know the real karma he is born with into this janma and as to how to perform his duties in a righteous manner so that he will not accumulate further karma.

Astrology should be used for self-realization, god realization, realization of this creation and then salvation.


Everything else is just to satisfy the curiosity of a human being.


What is Ardh Kal Sarp Dosha? Is it as potent as Kal Sarp Dosh?


This word Kala Sarpa Dosha has gained too much importance in the circles of predictive astrology in the recent days only.

In olden days this yoga was not defined and had no relevance.

Now there are definitions of many different types of KSY (Kala Sarpa Yoga). As you have mentioned in your query, a new yoga which is the sub set of KSY is born and is called as Ardh Kal Sarpa dosha.

Firstly, I would want astrologers who believe in Ardha Kala sarpa yoga to give classical references of this yoga so that it will help solve the doubts.

For the while, there is nothing called as AKSY and hence there is nothing to worry.


Why not build a toilet under the stairs as said in Vastu Shastra?


Now-a-days when space is a constraint and adjusting all the amenities into a given small plot is such a difficult task, people sticking to the vastu rules looks ridiculous.

If there is a provision to construct a toilet elsewhere then it is recommended, but if there is a paucity of space, then under the staircase would be the best choice to manage space.

The direction and the ventilation of the position of the toilet has to be anyway planned.


What if your sun line is crossed by multiple sun lines?


Sun line cannot be crossed by multiple Sun lines when they are parallel (Since multiple Sun lines are parallel to each other).

These lines which cross the Sun line are known as the disrupting lines or hurdles.

The native with these lines has to follow a strict routine and disciplined life to avoid social conflicts.


In astrology, the 5th house is related to the first child, and the 7th house is related to the 2nd child, and so on. Does this rule also consider miscarriage too or only children who are alive?


This is a very good query. Yes, miscarriages are also counted.

For instance, if the 7th house is for the first marriage and the 9th for the second one, then would a relationship which did not end up in a marriage also be counted. The answer is yes. If the relationship was intimate then yes, it has to be counted.


What does the 10th house indicate about life in Vedic astrology?

10th house (bhava) is also known as Karma sthana (house of actions). All deeds we perform starting from the most insignificant action now-a-days our breathing (which should have been the most significant one) to the most important events are shown from the 10th house.

How we react/respond to situations and what we go through every minute is indicated from the 10th house.

It is the 4th quadrant. The 1st house is known as the Dharma (Righteousness), The 4th house is known as the Artha (Transactions), The 7th house is known as the Kama (Desires) and the 10th known as the Moksha (Salvation through Actions).

All the 4th quadrants are important and we need to analyse from a chart as to whether all are in balance.

As per vedic astrology, why do some create fear about the 5-Planet alignment happening at the end of Dec 2019, why cannot this be for good of everyone?

 5 planetary placements happen in the sign of Sagittarius for a period between 26th Dec and 13th Jan. The planets involved are Saturn, Ketu, Jupiter, Mercury, Sun and on 26th and 27th Moon also will be involved (so for two days there would be 6 planets in one sign).

It would be a grave mistake by any astrologer to inflict fear into a person. There is nothing to fear as not all planets will be close by or be in conflict.

This combination of planets have different lordships and play a particular role when posited in the sign of Sagittarius. The results will certainly vary due to the houses they are from different ascendants.

If it is the 8th from Taurus, it would be the 12th from Capricorn and it would be the 6th from Cancer. People born in these ascendants have to be cautious for this small period of time. Do not take sudden decisions, key decisions, travel and be cautious when partying (this since it is New Year Eve).

Even for other signs such as Gemini, the ascendant lord Mercury is involved in the 7th and with so many planets in the 7th, it would be important that they do not get into argument with their spouse or an intimate friend.

The time would be good for the sign of Libra for the 3rd house is filled and the ascendant lord Venus would have moved to the 4th house (Capricorn) and Mars is placed in its own house Scorpio.

Likewise, the results vary for each ascendant.

After all this, it would important to verify the promise which is projected in each chart individually and only then decide.

Why are astrologers so active in YouTube at present?

A free platform like YouTube can be used to deliver a message, impart knowledge and also spread your presence globally.

Everyone, from Hairstylists, Specialists in Recipes, Doctors, Engineers, Scientists, Educationists, Artists, etc. are all using free platforms to showcase their talent and skill.

Astrology is a science with immense base of knowledge and likewise needs to be spread, so that the general public will understand its importance and real applicability.


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