Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Will Jupiter always give bad results irrespective of the house it is placed, for a Gemini ascendant?


Jupiter gives responsibility to the native. It makes him wise. To become wise one has to go through a lot of challenges in life and hence is deemed malefic by many.

In this case for Gemini ascendant Jupiter is the 7th and the 10th lord and is an important planet in the horoscope. Due to double quadrant lordship it acquires malefic characters (Kendradipatya dosha) and hence poses a lot of hurdles in the native’s life.

When placed in the 2nd it will give excellent results since it gets exalted and is in its house of signification (2nd signifies wealth and so does Jupiter).

When placed in the 9th house (though it is placed in the sign of Saturn - Aquarius), Jupiter will give good results for Gemini ascendant.

When it is placed in the 5th sign (Libra), though it is placed in the sign of a bitter enemy it still gives excellent knowledge. There may be problems and confusion regarding education, but the native will acquire wisdom the hard way.

The worst position for Jupiter for Gemini ascendant would be when it is placed in the 8th house (sign of capricorn) where it gets debilitated. The native will be subjected to distress with regard to family and progress.


All these predictions transform depending on the placement of other planets and the ascendant lord.

What are the effects of Jupiter in the 5th house?

Jupiter is the lord of Wisdom and higher knowledge.

The 5th house signifies learning and education.

This is a fantastic combination for higher qualification and higher learning.


The points which support it are the placements of the 5th lord and the ascendant lord. If both these placements are good then the native will acquire good knowledge and skill.

What does a retrograde exalted Jupiter mean for a Scorpio ascendant positioned with Ketu in the 9th house?

Jupiter signifies wisdom, higher learning and generosity. The 9th house signifies mainly fortune, blessings of elders and higher learning through a Guru.

Jupiter in this place is considered an excellent position.

In this case Jupiter is exalted, but also retrograde, this double combination makes Jupiter act very differently. The native will have strong belief patterns which will make him outspoken (for Jupiter is also the 2nd lord).

The native will never believe in traditional practices which do not have any scientific proof or basis. He will revolt when pressurized to follow traditional practice which he feels as baseless.


Being the 5th lord Jupiter in the 9th will give an active and clear mind-set to the native, provided Moon and the ascendant lords are well placed.

What are the effects of retrograde Jupiter for a Cancer ascendant?

For a Cancer ascendant Jupiter is the 6th and the 9th lord and hence is a partial yoga karaka (benefic).

When a benefic becomes retrograde then the significations will modify or transform into either extreme depending on their placements.

For example,

If Jupiter is placed in the ascendant and is retrograde, being the 6th lord (lord of the house of disease) it may give problems associated with the pancreas (Type 1 diabetes), kidney dysfunction, obesity (if the ascendant lord is not strong), hypertension (High BP), etc.

Here the strength of the ascendant lord is important. If the ascendant lord is weak then the native will suffer physical discomfort and pain due to illness.

On the other hand, the same placement may give excellent in studies, foreign travel, progress in profession, wealth, etc.


Hence we need to know the exact placements of planets and the ascendant to be more accurate.

What does Jupiter-Mercury Dasha indicate in a Virgo ascendant if Jupiter retrograde is placed in the 10th house and Mercury is situated in the second house along with the Sun?


Mercury is placed in the 5th from Jupiter and 2nd from Ascendant. This is a very good position for both Jupiter (which is the 4th and the 7th lord) and Mercury the 1st and the 10th lord.


There will be good progress in profession and also gain of wealth and property in life.


In 5th place guru alone siting in graha, the astrolgers tells, alone of guru is not favour to child to couples, but guru seen 5th, 7th, 9th place good for the person?


I have seen many charts wherein the native with Jupiter in the 5th house has children.

This should not be the only criteria for childlessness.

It is true that Jupiter will give benefic aspects to the houses it aspects i.e the 5th, 7th and 9th from itself and also, the significations of the house Jupiter is placed in will be of concern, but other planetary aspects and placements play an important role in supporting and cancelling yogas.


What is the result of Mahadasha of retro Jupiter in the 9th house in Purvabhadrapada for a Cancer ascendant?

Assuming that Jupiter is in the 9th even in the bhava kundali it would make the planet an excellent Raja yoga karaka, except for the retrogression.

A retro Jupiter in the 9th for Cancer ascendant will give good results but with a difference.

The 9th suggests travel and with a Retro Jupiter in it, it indicates foreign travel on job or even immigration.


What are the benefits of a guru in the 11th house?

This is one of the best placements for Jupiter.

When Jupiter is placed in the 11th being the lord of Wealth will enhance the profits of the native and also will aspect key houses like the 3rd, the 5th and the 7th houses.

The 3rd house represents the activity of the native and by Jupiter’s aspect the native will behave with very good social manners.

The 5th represents Higher Learning and Progeny. With Jupiter (which is the signifier of both Wisdom and Progeny) aspecting the house it will strengthen and enhance the qualities of the house.

The 7th house represents the Spouse, Marriage, Partnership (in business), Profession (since 7th is the 10th from the 10th). Jupiter being a slow moving benefic, will protect all these aspects of the native.

The placement of the 3rd, 5th and the 7th lords also have to be considered. The planets placed in the 3rd, 5th and the 7th house also should be analysed and above all that Jupiter should be a benefic to the ascendant and should not be retrograde or closely posited to Rahu or combust.


What are the effects and remedies for Pisces Lagna and Jupiter in the sixth house?

For Pisces ascendant when Jupiter the ascendant lord is placed in the 6th house, there is only one negative factor and that is of health.

The other factors like service, competitiveness, compassion, caring attitude is all good and positive virtues.

The ascendant when goes to the 6th house will cause Deha kashta yoga.

The only best remedial measure is to keep in good health.

Practice routine satwik lifestyle and other good things will follow.


What are the effects of Ketu Antardasha in Jupiter Mahadasha?

The combination of Jupiter and Ketu gives rise to a unique yoga for acquiring knowledge and wisdom.

If this combination is well placed, then surely the native will make good progress in education (whatever the age be).


What is the effect of Jupiter and Rahu’s conjunction in the 6th house for a Libra ascendant?

Guruchandal yog (the combination of Jupiter and Rahu) in the 6th (sign of Pisces) from a Libra ascendant.

Here Jupiter is placed in its own sign and hence is very strong. Rahu is a rough character whereas Jupiter will act decent. This mix of characters is anyhow overpowered by Jupiter due to its strength as the 3rd and the 6th lord.

If you can follow a Guru and be committed to your goal, then surely you will be able to achieve great heights in social service and become an industrialist.


What happens when Guru is in Rahu Nakshatra Swati in the 11th house for a Sagittarius Ascendant?

Swathi Nakshatra (Constellation) is an excellent placement for Jupiter. The native will be knowledgeable and keen to study sciences like Astrology and Occult.

Jupiter is placed in the sign of another benefic Venus. Though it is an enemy of Jupiter, this placement in the 11th house will give excellent results as it is the ascendant lord.

The native may face some difficulties in smoothly continuing higher education due to the 8th placement of Jupiter from the 4th house.


How is Antardasha of Saturn in Jupiter Mahadasha?

Saturn and Jupiter both are enemies due to their contrasting significations. In some cases this combination will give stability to profession, education and sometimes for business too (let’s say Jupiter and Saturn are quadrant and thrine lords).

The conflict between these two planets will create problems between a married couple. There would be misunderstanding between them and the person who has this combination would become stubborn and never accept the situation.

Saturn makes the native rigid and silent. Jupiter makes the native think that he is right and denies compromise or even try to understand the situation.

All of the above results are when either one of the planet is malefically disposed or in 6–8 from each other.

Now, in the major period of Saturn (if it is a yogakaraka for the ascendant) and Jupiter is not the lord of 6th, 8th or 12th and both the planets are not mutually placed in 6–8 from each other, then the native will get excellent results.

If Saturn is a yogakaraka planet and Jupiter is placed in 6–8th from Saturn and Jupiter is weak, then the native will go through financial struggle, humiliation in society, loss of job if Jupiter is the 10th lord, etc.

If Saturn is not a yogakaraka and is weakly placed in the chart then this planetary period of Saturn and Jupiter would force the native to change job, change the place of stay, make loans, get into anxiety, etc.


How will be the Brahspati Mahadasha be for Libra ascendants?

The output of Jupiter maha dasha for Libra ascendant will also depend on the placement of Jupiter in the chart.

Jupiter is the 3rd and the 6th lord and will give rise to progress in life since it is upachayasthanadhipathi (lord of the houses of activity and growth).

How is the Guru Mahadasha for Sagittarius Ascendant?

Jupiter is the 1st and the 4th lord (ascendant lord) for Sagittarius sign and in its maha dasha (planetary period) the native will prosper.

The actual placement of Jupiter in the chart will matter.


What is the prediction if Guru is placed in the eighth house in Janma Lagna Kundali?

Depending on the ascendant the placement of Jupiter in the 8th from it matters.

For example, If the ascendant falls in the sign of Sagittarius then the 8th sign from it is Cancer and Jupiter in the 8th house would make it exalted.

This placement should give success to the native in many fields of life.

In other cases, when Jupiter is not posited in the sign of Exaltation or is placed in its Own signs, then the placement of Jupiter would make the native over desirous.

Desire also in certain cases turns into Obsession and Obsession later transforms the person into a certain eccentric character.

Where ever Jupiter is posited it makes that sign/house more responsible and when it is in the house desire (8th) then Jupiter makes it big and hence the native with such a combination will be oriented mostly towards achieving his goals.

For the native with Jupiter in the 8th, Social status becomes very important and it may sometimes make him blind (so as to avoid emotional ties, etc.)

The best would be to practice Pranayama for achieving bodily control and then meditation for mental stability.


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