Friday, October 3, 2014

Human Life Cycle and Planets.

Astro Guide Mysore

We all know that the week starts with a Sunday and ends with a Saturday.  Here the planetary hierarchy is Sun for Sunday, Moon for Monday, Mars for Tuesday, Mercury for Wednesday, Jupiter for Thursday, Venus for Friday and Saturn for Saturday.

In a traditional Hindu shloka it has been practiced as a single line prayer:

"Namah Suryaya, Chandraya, Mangalaya, Budhayacha, Guru, Shukra, Shanirbyashcha, Rahave, Ketave Namah"

Here as you can see both the nodes, Ascending node (Rahu) and the Descending node (Ketu) are both included.  Since both these do not have a physical body but are points of intersection of the orbit of Earth-Sun and Earth-Moon they have not been included in the list of our weekdays.

This list and hierarchy of planets have a direct symbolic relevance to the chronological events in a human life cycle.

Sun represents the birth.  It is the significator for the separation of the Jeevatma (soul) from the Paramatma (Almighty).  This is nothing but the birth, where a soul gets its mortal identity (Ego). In this stage the bones are not fully developed and they slowly start getting hard.  Sun is the significator of Bones.

Moon represents the stage of Infancy, Mothers love, Mothers Milk, Purity of the mind, Bliss and Imagination. The child starts to think and the first thoughts start to flow and hence the formation of Mind.

Mars represents the Adolescence, all the mischiefs the child would do, exploring the new world around it and trying to make sense of its own organs and their utility, like climbing, jumping, wrestling, etc.  Mars is the significator of Muscles and Aggressiveness. Adolescents react to situations without thinking and hence they are not good at hiding facts with the help of a lie.

Mercury represents the Intellect.  The child has now stepped into its Teenage. He has started to understand to respond to different situations differently depending on its outcome.  This is where he learns to manipulate situations. Mercury is a planet which signifies young age and curiosity.  Due to this a teenager starts exploring the world through his senses.

Jupiter represents Middle age.  Here the native will have achieved a level of maturity and hence would have a refined intellect which is based on beliefs and hypothesis.  This makes a firm base for his further life.  This is an important phase in a humans life that he meets his Guru or a Guide who can guide him in the right path.  Jupiter is the significator of Wisdom.

Venus represents the age when a native would have settled in a job and is financially independent.  Venus represents happiness through realization of the worldly pleasures.  Here a human being relaxes his aim in life, becomes lethargic and gets addicted to leisure.

Saturn indicates Old age or the time period when one's body starts getting old due to age and starts to slow down its functions.  Both physically and intellectually a person slows down.  He starts losing his memory and his intellectual capability starts decreasing.  Saturn is the significator of one's legs too.  Strong legs are the power of an youth and in this age the person starts losing its strength.

Rahu indicates Ailments and Deficiencies.  Once the blood circulation is affected due to old age, the organs succumb to external microbial attack or start malfunctioning.  In both cases we classify that human being as suffering from ill health.  Rahu is the significator of impurity.

Ketu represents exit or the process of the soul leaving one's body.  Not all are blessed to exit this world in the state of bliss, but since all have to exit there will have be a reason for exiting this mortal world. Ketu being the significator of Moksha, will try to give all the required intellect for a human being to achieve self realization and help him to enter the path towards moksha, but not all of us take this serious. Most of us die unwillingly and with a lot of suffering.

It can be seen from the above that as a human passes through the first few stages and cross the stage of Jupiter, he starts losing the strength of Sun and Moon, that is it will be the time he may naturally lose his parents due to their old age, get eyesight problems (since both Sun and Moon are luminaries and represent the eye and the eye sight), lose stamina (Sun represents ones stamina), get into dental problems (Moon represents the teeth).

As he passes on to Venus, he loses the real sense of this life, the innocence, the pure beauty of unselfishness and gets entangled with physical beauty.  He over indulges into mortal sensory pleasures by getting into wrong practices, wrong diet, wrong routine, etc.  This addiction to luxury and lethargy paves way to Saturn who happily welcomes him into old age and its related problems.

As he crosses over to Rahu and Ketu - the dark planets or the shadowy planets, he loses sight of Sun, Moon and Mars.  Even the wisdom of Guru (Jupiter) which was once the path maker to his life becomes irrelevant. Small daily chores like getting up on time, timely food becomes difficult.

Ketu though does not kill will wait for the time to come.  He opens the doors for next level and facilitates exit.

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Sheshachalam Iyengar
Jyotish Visharad:
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