Tuesday, January 18, 2022

The Four Major Transits – Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu & Ketu - Year 2022


YEAR 2022

The Four Major Transits – Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu & Ketu

Let us go through the transits for this particular year 2022. The meaning of Makar Sankranti here in in India as per the vedic language means that Surya Sankramana is happening. That is, as per the Nirayana longitude, Sun is entering Capricorn from the sign of Sagittarius.

There are four major Sankramanas – Mesh(Aries) Sankramana, Karkataka(Cancer) Sankramana, Tula(Libra) Sankramana and the Makar(Capricorn) Sankramana.

These four Sankramanas are also known as the four Major Sankrantis in which major festivals are held particularly in these 4 Solar Ingress which is also known as the equinox. We have different equinoxes, the solar solstice, the winter solstice, and all these things. So this is one of the solstice where actually sun reverses from going down South towards the southern hemisphere, it starts moving up towards the northern hemisphere and that is why it is called as Uttarayana. We all in the Indian subcontinent, actually celebrate these festivals.

During this particular Makar Sankranthi time, people eat sweets made up of oily seeds and jaggery.  Oily seeds and all oily items. That is because we all know that winter is the time when our skin and everything starts becoming dry and the new skin comes. So what actually our predecessors, forefathers, our great sages and saints thought about this, they then introduced oily food & sweets made out of nuts & jiggery which was good for us and which gives warmth to our body. We use a lot of groundnut, sesame(til), mustard seeds in our food preparation. We also prepare a lot of Kashayas i.e. decoction of ginger, basil leaves, mint leaves, elaichi (cardamom) etc. which gives and boosts a lot of strength in our immune system.

Let us now understand the different transits of planets and whether they are good or bad and also know how these transits are going to work for us because 2022 is going to be a more eventful year than the year 2021. 2022 is not going to be such a great year when compared to 2021. And if I'm telling this, it's a prediction.  We can see that Saturn becomes Retrograde in Aquarius on 5th of June 2022 and when it is going to become retrograde in Aquarius, it is going to enter into Aquarius on 28th of April 2022, so till April Saturn will be in Capricorn and Jupiter will enter Pisces on 14th April 2022. So only for 14 days Jupiter will be waiting, when Jupiter is in the Pisces and Saturn is in the Aquarius that is 28th of April 2022 Saturn joins in Aquarius and Jupiter goes to Pisces.

The difficult part is when Saturn has a very short stay in Aquarius this year, because on 5th of June 2022 it once again becomes Retrograde in Aquarius. That is a very difficult position and it starts moving backwards towards Capricorn on 13th of July 2022, i.e.  5th of June 2022 it becomes retrograde and 13th of July 2022 it enters back into Capricorn. So these are the dates that means 28th of April 2022 Saturn enters Aquarius, 5th of June 2022 it becomes retrograde in Aquarius and on the 13th of July, 2022 it enters back into Capricorn.

So this year there's going to be a lot of events. Why?

Because the other planets are also transiting in the same time.

Like for example in the month of April, Saturn transits from Capricorn to Aquarius, Jupiter transits from Aquarius to Pisces. Rahu on 13th of April transits from Taurus to Aries - It's backwards. Same time, Ketu also transits on 13th of April from Scorpio to Libra. So we all can see that this year because of these four major transits happening and retrogression is happening It's going to be an eventful year. There's going to be a lot of difficulty. People have to understand that they have to follow very strict protocol, eat well, exercise well, and stay healthy. Particularly for these Rashis(Signs) in between Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, it’s not going to be easy period. Particularly for Aquarius, because Rahu is going to come to the chest and lungs, Jupiter is transiting between the 2nd and the 1st, this is for Aquarius i.e. where the moon is posited in that period. And Saturn is also transiting in forward and backward motion, so please do not unnecessarily invest money or don't travel when it is not required. Be safe this year and we can do many things next year. This is for people particularly in Aquarius and also for people of Leo, which is the opposite Sign, we can see that from Leo, Jupiter is transiting between 7th and 8th and Saturn is transiting between 6th and 7th.

This is not a great position because Saturn becoming Retro in the 6th House gives a lot of difficulty. So Saturn finally becomes direct by 22nd Oct 2022 in Capricorn. Jupiter also becomes direct in Pisces on 23rd of November 2022. That means after 29th of July 2022, when Saturn is already Retro on 13th, on 29th July 2022, Jupiter also becomes retrograde in Pisces. Till 22nd of October both are Retro, Saturn & Jupiter.

What is Saturn? -  the mass, the people, and what is Jupiter? - The financial condition of the people. People getting good food, good water, good vegetables, the cost of living is normal, this happens when Jupiter is normal. So now here when Jupiter is Retro and it is Retro over the sign of Pisces, it(Pisces) means ocean so we can see a lot of activity like thunder, storms, hurricanes, tornados, all these things picking up once again in 2022.

We all know that ENSO has a major impact on tropical rainfall as it affects the ocean-atmosphere linkages and also alters the pressure patterns. The la Nina is very down. It will still be down and we have got those reports from the scientists that the La Lina effect will be persisting until May 2022 and May is the verge of the monsoon coming to the southern part of India, this is like June 1st it enters so if La Lina simply converts into the monsoon, we will have a terrible monsoon. So even Jupiter in the water sign being Retro will give all difficulties due to water, rain and the wind and all these things and since Saturn is also going to be Retro in a windy sign and then coming back to the earthy sign, there is going to be a lot of difficulties, so it is not going to be that great this year. There's going to be political unrest. The country will be going through difficult moments, financial difficulties and if we are complacent now, the next variant of Corona which I have been telling earlier which is going to enter into this society, into the Community let us say by this particular Retro period i.e. between 29th of July and 22nd of October, i.e.  August, September and 3/4 of October is not going to be easy.

Hence Please be safe. Follow the strict and the most tough protocols of COVID, unnecessarily do not travel. I have seen that people are flocking to all sorts of tourist spots. Every tourist spot is full. I can understand that people have got frustrated from past two years sitting in one place.  So the transit of Rahu and Ketu in Libra i.e. the House of Business and the House of Marriage i.e. House of Relationships. And Rahu, who is going to enter into the House of Confidence, the head i.e. head of the Kala Purusha - Mesha(Aries) and since it is the Ascendant, the person becomes overconfident, as we know that overconfidence can lead us to difficult and disasters, hence caution has to be taken. Do not do anything which is out of the way. Prevention is better than cure.


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