Friday, December 10, 2010

Format for Calculating Lagna (with example) - (courtesy - Prof. E. Ravindran)

Astro Guide Mysore
Lagna / Ascendant Calculation

Input : 1. P.O.B, 2. T.O.B and 3. D.O.B

From Lahiri's Indian Ephemeris (page 144 to 158)

Place Longitude :
Place Lattitude  :

1. I.S.T of birth (AM / PM)                                                     :      h     m    s
2. LMT correction (where the place longitude/lattitude is available    :
    and next column of longitude)                          
3. LMT at P.O.B (AM / PM)     (step 1 + 2)                                   :
4. S.T at 12 Noon on Birth Date, Birth Month and Birth Year          :
    for 82 deg 30 mins (from Table of Asc : Table no. 1 pg 2 & 3)
5. Correction for Birth Year                                                            :
    (From Table of Asc Table no. 11 page 3 & 4)
6. S.T at 12 Noon on Birth Date, Birth Month and Birth Year         :
    for 82 deg and 30 mins (step 4 + 5)
7. Correction for Place of Birth (where the place longitude /            :
     lattitude is available and last column)
8. S.T at 12 Noon on Birth Date, Birth Month and Birth Year         :
    at the Place of Birth        (step 6 + 7)
9. Time interval (TI) between 12 Noon and L.M.T of Birth             :   12 h          00 m    00 s
    (if L.M.T is PM then T.I is L.M.T itself)

                                        (-) step 3                                               :
                                          Time Interval                                       :

10. Correction for T.I (from Table of Asc, Table no. 4 page 5)

                        a) for              hours                                               :

                        b) for              mins                                                :

                            for               h              m     (a+b)                      :
11. The increase in T.I     (step 9 + 10)                                          :
12. S.T at the time of Birth (Please see note below)                        :
      From S.T latitude of place, from the Table of Ascendant, to calculate Lagna by interpolation method.

13. For         deg North       Asc                   =
      For         deg North       Asc                   =
      For         variation                                   =

      For          deg North         Mins       Asc  =

14. Aynamsa correction (from Table of Ascendant Pg. 6                :
      for Birth Year  

Note :

a) if T.O.B is AM
    S.T = step 8 - step 11
          if step 8 is < step 11, then
    S.T = (step 8 + 24 hours) - step 11
b) if T.O.B is PM
    S.T = step 8 + step 11
c) if S.T > 24 hours then subtract 24 hours from it to get S.T
     1) for southern latitude, add 12 hours to the S.T as Modified Sidereal Time (MST).
         if M.S.T > 24 hours then subtract 24 hours to get M.S.T
     2) for southern latitude, add 6 signs to the Ascendant.
         If Ascendant is > 12 signs then subtract 12 signs to get the ascendant.

Example Calculation Sheet

Lagna / Ascendant Calculation

Input : 1. P.O.B : Bangalore
           2. T.O.B : 11 hours 54 mins (PM)
           3. D.O.B : 25.09.1970

From Lahiri's Indian Ephemeris (page 144 to 158)

Place Longitude :  77 E 36
Place Lattitude   :  12 N 58

1. I.S.T of birth (AM / PM)                                                             :       11  h    54  m  00 s
2. LMT correction (where the place longitude/lattitude is available    :  (-) 00  h    19 m   36 s
    and next column to longitude)                          
3. LMT at P.O.B (AM / PM)     (step 1 + 2)                                   :       11 h     34 m   24 s  
4. S.T at 12 Noon on Birth Date, Birth Month and Birth Year          :        12 h    14 m   29 s
    for 82 deg 30 mins (from Table of Asc : Table no. 1 pg 2 & 3)
5. Correction for Birth Year                                                            :   (+) 00 h    00 m   11 s
    (From Table of Asc Table no. 11 page 3 & 4)
6. S.T at 12 Noon on Birth Date, Birth Month and Birth Year         :         12 h     14 m   40 s
    for 82 deg and 30 mins (step 4 + 5)
7. Correction for Place of Birth (where the place longitude /            :    (+) 00 h     00 m   02 s
     lattitude is available and last column)
8. S.T at 12 Noon on Birth Date, Birth Month and Birth Year         :          12 h     14 m   42 s
    at the Place of Birth        (step 6 + 7)
9. Time interval (TI) between 12 Noon and L.M.T of Birth             :   12 h          00 m    00 s
    (if L.M.T is PM then T.I is L.M.T itself)

                                        (-) step 3                                               :
                                          Time Interval                                       :     11 h    34 m    24 s 
                                       (since TOB is PM)

10. Correction for T.I (from Table of Asc, Table no. 4 page 5)

                        a) for      11   hours                                               :  (+)   00 h   01 m  48 s

                        b) for              mins                                                :  (+)   00 h  00 m  06 s

                            for               h              m     (a+b)                      :          00 h  01 m  54 s
11. The increase in T.I     (step 9 + 10)                                          :          11 h   36 m  18 s
12. S.T at the time of Birth (Please see note below)                        :          23 h   51 m  00 s
      From S.T latitude of place, from the Table of Ascendant, to calculate Lagna by interpolation method.

     (Banglaore place latitude : 12 N 58 can be directly looked up in page 20)

13. For    12 deg North       Asc                   =  2 sign   9 deg   47 mins
      For    13 deg North       Asc                   =  2 sign  10 deg  12 mins
      For         variation                                   =                         25 mins

    Calculation to for 58 mins to get to 12 deg and 58 mins (Bangalore)

     1 latitude = 25 mins (from above step 13)
     therefore 60 mins = 25 mins
     then        58 mins = 22.30  (or 22 mins 18 secs)  = 22 mins

      For    12 deg North  58 Mins       Asc  =            2 sign 09 deg 47 mins
                                                                      (+)     0 sign 00 deg 22 mins
                                                                                2 sign 10 deg  09 mins

14. Aynamsa correction (from Table of Ascendant Pg. 6                :        2 sign 10 deg 09 mins
      for Birth Year  1970                                                                  (-)   0 sign  0 deg  27 mins
                                                                                                             2 sign  09 deg 42 mins

The Ascendant falls in Gemini at 9 degrees and 42 mins

Note :

a) if T.O.B is AM
    S.T = step 8 - step 11
          if step 8 is < step 11, then
    S.T = (step 8 + 24 hours) - step 11
b) if T.O.B is PM
    S.T = step 8 + step 11
c) if S.T > 24 hours then subtract 24 hours from it to get S.T
     1) for southern latitude, add 12 hours to the S.T as Modified Sidereal Time (MST).
         if M.S.T > 24 hours then subtract 24 hours to get M.S.T
     2) for southern latitude, add 6 signs to the Ascendant.
         If Ascendant is > 12 signs then subtract 12 signs to get the ascendant.

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Sheshachalam Iyengar
Jyotish Visharad :
(for online Astrology and Tarot classes contact : +91-7338608070)


  1. Great work, This will be helpful for beginners... same way if you can put how to manually cast horoscope, calculation of degree of planets, dasa calculation etc.... it would be even better sir,,,,,,

  2. Is this still accurate if I take it back 13000 years?

  3. Is this still accurate if I take it back 13000 years?

  4. The error in ayanamsha has to be calculated to perfection to get it right.

  5. I am beginner, it is excellent I needs to practice more & more..

  6. That was mind blowing and very helpful in calculating Lagna. Keep posting.

    Institute of Vedic Astrology Reviews

  7. Great tutorial on for calculating Lagna. Much appreciated!

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  8. Very good tutorial for beginners . Do you check horoscope and match for marriage purpose . If yes please send me the mobile number I need to consult you .

    My mobile number is 9978995169 . I am also from Mysore and presently at Baroda Gujarat

  9. Thanks for posting the format with example.
