Thursday, December 23, 2010

Rahu and its influence on Lagna

Astro Guide Mysore

Rahu is a sensitive point (Ascending Node), the point of intersection of the orbit of Moon around the Earth and the Sun around the Earth (Eccliptic).  This sensitive point has gained immense importance in the field of Predictive Astrology.

In this article we are only discussing the placement of Rahu in Lagna/Ascendant and its influence on the native's behavioural patterns and situations.

The general characteristics of Rahu with regard to the subject we are about to discuss are :
Faulty Logic, Irreligious, Wanders far away from place of birth/stay, Humiliation, Depending on others support for living, Falsehood, Wickedness, Harsh Speech, Confused state, Dirty, Materialistic, etc.

After considerable interaction with people who have Rahu in lagna.  It can be said that some profound characters of Rahu do influence the behavioural pattern of these people.

Most of the natives with Rahu in lagna have accepted that they get confused when they have decisions to make.  This does not make the native fickle minded, but the native gets involved into deciding whether to go this way or that, that the native loses his confidence.

Rahu who has the capacity to mask the natives strength to think will bring down ones concentration.  This is usually seen with regard to children who do not concentrate on studies and often are regarded as dull headed.  These children are surely not dull headed and are very good at practical knowledge, but, due to the presence of Rahu in the lagna, it takes a lot more time for one to get a grip on a subject.

Rahu is also well known for pseudo dignity.  General observation shows that all do not dye their hair once they start becoming grey, but, some make it a ritual and they cannot imagine themselves without it.

This pseudo dignity / false image is the influence of Rahu on lagna.  People start putting lot of time into trimming their tummies, applying makeup, do anything to look younger and in the process sometimes look very odd. They become soo stubborn that they do not heed to any of their friends or family members who keep telling that they look odd.

Rahu like mars gives aggressiveness and falsehood.  The native succumbs to its pressure and resorts to telling lies and gets things done using unethical practices.

Rahu also influences the native with its obsessive characteristics. Sometimes this is positive if the obsession is creative and developmental, but, the same if is detrimental, the native will suffer from many disorders.  Rahu imbibes desire into the native and does not rest till it is accomplished. A negative / unrealistic desire may put the native into a lot of intangible knots.

All the above compulsions may result in a persons humiliation in society and may lead to a lot of emotional conflicts, legal battles, etc.

Due to the confused state of affairs, the native may resort to unethical means to satisfy himself. The native may resort to bullying, debate and sometimes get into physical conflicts.

Rahu makes the native lose his stand in his own place/country.  This sometimes results in the native getting a chance abroad.  Though going abroad is regarded as a boon these days, one has to suffer living alone far away from his family and loved ones.  Has to eat food prepared in hotels or road sides.  In reality the native is in exile from his motherland and goes through a lot of anxious moments. 

It is seen from my practice that most of the cases wherein the person has consulted an astrologer for the first time in his life, is when the native is running through the major/minor periods (dasas) of Rahu, wherein Rahu is influencing the lagna or the lagna lord.

Since this is a very elaborate subject I think one article will not suffice the topic and I hope to write more.

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Sheshachalam Iyengar
Jyotish Visharad :
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  1. Good description about how Rahu impacts nature of a person being in Lagna

  2. I am having the rahu in 1st house in Sagittarius . 23 feb 1992, 4:00AM, Lohardagha,JH,IN

  3. I don't agree with your description. I have rahu in lagna in gemini. I have never been confused though we all are sometimes but not that I don't know what I want. Instead I have been very clear about what I want to do in life and have made many of my decisions independently. Again I always wanted to be financially independant and I don't like depending on others for a living....though I have too as I have been struggling to find some meaningful work for the past 10 years!!! I have worked in 2 jobs and have worked consistently for 3 years in a part time job, which shows that I do not change jobs every now and then. I don't lie unless absolutely necessary and dislike people who cheat and are dishonest. in fact I have been jobless more because I do not like doing things in unethical manner and thats how this world functions, by deceiving people and lying to them to make more profit. I am not obsessed with physical appearance either though we all want to look good. It has nothing to do with rahu in lagna...majority of people give importance to looks but I don't and I am totally opposite of what you have described....I do not wear make up, I don't starve to look slim and I do not attempt to look younger too. I already look much younger than my age due to Gemini ascendant. So, your description of Rahu in lagna doesn't hold true for me atleast.
    What I have studied about rahu in lagna is that it gives a mysterious personality to an individual since rahu is mysterious. It makes one struggle alot and not that people who have this placement do not want to work....thats all crap!!! They are not lazy either. Its just they do not take up just about anything that comes their way...they have better standards than anyone else thats why rahu in lagna makes one struggle alot in early life but gives immense success later in life. Also it makes an individual intelligent as rahu is clever. They do not lead ordinary lives and thats why people have a negative perception of them and say all sorts of things like they are irreligious, lazy, confused, dependant on others for living etc.... but thats not true....when we are struggling people never speak good about us as wordly success is given too much importance...if you are wealthy, materially successful even if corrupt, people treat you with respect but if you are penniless and have different views from the are considered weird and useless!!! How superficial people can be...everyone is running after money and they try to make more money even at the expense of other people's well-being...being irreligious doesn't mean we don't believe in that super power who is running our life instead we are more spiritual and accept life just the way it is with all its ups and downs only because it has some spiritual significance unlike those who pray to God everyday only to remove all their troubles and give them all the riches and happiness so that they can lead comfortable lives....even if they remain spiritually poor.

    1. Yes... im having rahu in lagna aquaris acsendant.. im not confused at all... i get to know why i born here... rahu in lagna are born leaders... they have the cabalility to conquer the world in any way.... they wil become a strongest politician.. im having saturn in my 10 th house... the only ill effect is marriage...

    2. Hi
      Could you email your full chart, we can study on Rahu versus Lagna? Basics are correct, while other factors, affecting lagna need consideration,

    3. I also agree to you richa this is not true infact Rahu in gemini ascendant is a very powerful placement it is in its exaltation position no doubt it brings frustration and hardships but they always makes people achieve their goals and ambitions in life.Rahu in 1st house in gemini in horoscope makes a person very intelligent,courageous ,smart and result oriented.

  4. I have rahu in ascendant in mark lagna. This without question is the best period of my life in its mahadasha. None of the above you wrote is remotely true. It has given me money fame daughter land flat chances to go abroad etc. Not one inch malefic.

    1. Yes, it does give beneficial results, based on PAC of other planets,
      Rahu *, Sub lord, Rahu link to 4, 11, 12 - assuring the results you mentioned? Basics remain - Rahu gives surprises, sudden, unknown, many new friends help you, unknown regions support you at a time that you never thought or your family did not know them for a long time, email me for more

  5. Rahu in makar lagna along with Mars and gulika, ketu in 7th, pl predict

  6. Rahu will be in lagna of over one million people and all having different results and lifestyle. Without analyzing full horoscope in details it's not wise to generalise things pertaining to the planet. And I will include different yogas too. To study one horoscope properly one needs two days time to analyze different charts and the degrees too play an important role. Degree wise difference and impact is not available on Google. so no copy paste there. Each degree in a sign makes difference in person life. Do u know that

  7. Astrology is like an ocean and if we think just reading it we will understand it and start co-relating it with our ascendant and signs and all then I think we r doing shortcuts and I agree with Mr.Ratan- there are 100 other things which a real wise astrologer(with years of expertise,knowledge,wisdom and Guru)may disclose.

  8. Astrology predictions like illusions and believing strongly in that same illusion patterns,
    Our way of thinking is everything in life, so think good and eat good

  9. The points mentioned here would be very helpful to get prepared in advance. Thanks!

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  10. My dob is 05/05/1980 & I am not able to do any think me
