Sunday, January 23, 2022

2nd Bhava/House – Characteristics / Karakatwas

The first Bhava is called as the Tanu Bhava and the second house is called as the mana bhava. Usually Tanu, Manu and Dhana all fall in the first and the second houses. Manas is the 2nd house -it is again the secondary concept. The primary concept is that manas has to be seen from the 5th house where the thoughts will actually come out as imagination. In the Lagna the thoughts and dreams will come as an inspiration, so it’s interpretation is different when in Lagna. A dream can motivate a single thought and then become an inspirational thought, that also can happen or an inspirational thought can come within oneself when we are in the Jagrukta Awastha(Awaken State) That is, we are conscious. If we are getting a thought, which is trying to motivate us or guide us or an idea as to how to go ahead in life, that comes from the Lagna i.e. the first house.

So all this happens between the first house and the fifth house. This particular bracket of 1-2-3-4 & 5 is known as the going forward mind. The mind which moves forward.  

 Second house is for the Dhana(wealth), Kutumba(family), Anna(food) Sthana & Primary Education. These are the four major characteristics of the second house. It also represents eyes and the teeth, so these are the two parts of the body which are very important in the second house. The nose also comes there, but not that prominently because it has to be dealt in the drekanna (D3). Dhana Bhava means prosperous, wealthy with lot of good wealth. Dhana not only means wealth but it includes all the luxurious materialistic, all the other required material for the life, example – groceries, fruits, vegetables, other daily needs along with liquid cash.  

 It represents family – the 1st circle of family members, it does not include uncles & aunts. Speech i.e. voice texture, tone, pitch, the tongue is included in the 2nd house but not the vocal chords. So teeth, eyes, food- what we eat, what goes into our mouth and into our stomach is the second house.

 Mind once again comes in the second house. The primary education is the education which the child gets before he or she goes to school at home. First lesson which is learnt by the parents, environment and also by observation.

 Self-earned property and immovable i.e. landed properties also falls in the 2nd house. Sthira asti (fixed or immovable) and Chara asti (liquid property – cash, bonds, jewels, gold etc.). Sthira asti means all those properties which are coming down to you through ancestral properties like immovable property and also all chara asti can also come – example if your great Grand Father might have left some lacs of rupees which directly comes from bank to bank transfer or you get the passbook and you become a joint account holder because you were a nominee. So it is also like chara asti. So all these properties will come in the second house, not the 11th House which is only income.

 Clothes, clothing, righteousness - being good and righteous, the nails and the taste buds which is a very important characteristic of 2nd house. Taste buds and desire for food. Gluttony can be seen from second house and the 5th house because 5th house is stomach and the second house is the mouth or the eating habits. So if there are bad planets placed in the second house, there is a chance that the person gets indulged into eating junk. But if the Lagnadhipati (Lord of Ascendant) is strong and either Rahu or Saturn is posited in the second house then also I have seen that those people were very Satwik in eating habits. That is why it is very clearly said that - What we are is what we eat.

 What we are is what we eat, how we are is how we live. Since 2nd house is House of food hence I am discussing about it.

The another most important karakatwa is - House of Death / Maraka Sthana. 2nd lord or the planets posited in the 2nd house indicates death

 The main key points of 2nd House is summarised below –

 ·        Mind

·        Wealth – Both movable & immovable property

·        Earnings

·        Bonds, securities and shares

·        Prosperity

·        Food - Eating habits

·        Family

·        Speech - Soft / Harsh speech

·        Teeth, Tongue, Mouth

·        Right Eye

·        Primary education

·        Infancy

·        Breathing problems, Sinusitis, Asthma

·        Family

·        Expression & Eloquence

·        Nails

·        Vision or power Memory

·        Miserliness in giving money

·        House of Death / Maraka Sthana



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