We know that there are 12 Houses in a Rashi Kundali.
And these houses are imaginary, that means even the rashi are imaginary because
the Rashi Kundali is nothing but when the 360 degrees of sidereal wheel is cut
into 12 equal parts though it is not exactly equal because we will understand
that some of the rashis are short in length and some are lengthy i.e. more than
30 degrees, this is because of the elliptical shape of the Zodiac.
What is 1st House/Bhava?
Once a person is born, the sign which is rising in
the eastern horizon is taken as the Lagna or Ascendant which is called as the 1st
House/Bhava and from that Lagna, the 2nd becomes the 2nd
house/bhava, 3rd becomes 3rd house/bhava and so on till
12th house/bhava.
There are methodologies in which the Lagna is taken
as the zero degree, and from there each 30 degrees have been cut and then sorted
out as houses. That is, the Lagna will be the starting point in this case, and
in several cases, Lagna is taken as the midpoint of the first house. That means
the House will range between 15 degrees on either side of the Lagna.
For example - Let us say if
Lagna is at 10 degrees in Gemini Sign/Rashi then Taurus 25th degree itself will
be the starting point of the first house and Gemini 25th degree will be the
ending point of the 1st House. So in this case the 7th house midpoint will fall
in 10 degrees Sagittarius. So if it is 10 degrees Sagittarius, that means Scorpio
25th degree will be the starting point of the 7th House and the 25th degree in
the Sagittarius will be the ending point of the 7th House. Hence if
there is a planet posited at 28 degrees Taurus, this means that, that planet
falls in the 1st house and not in the 12th house.
The Characteristics and the Significations of the
First House -
The first house is the beginning. It is also called
as the Adi Rashi/Bhava and the 12th house is called Poorna Bhava. The 12th
house is called as the Poorna Bhava not Antha or Ending Bhava because a
person completes his life and gets Moksha.
The life cycle starts from the 1st
House. It represents the body, the scalp and our face. It represents
expressions, peacefulness & harmony. Bones, limbs, happiness, unhappiness,
deha sukha and manasika sukha – to have a healthy body, mind and soul need to
be understood from the 1st house itself.
Fame, dreams, becoming a miser, the longevity of
the person is also seen secondarily from the first house, as primarily it is seen
from the 8th house. Dignity, respect, character, wealth, wisdom, all these are
represented by the 1st House. It also represents the skin. It also represents
good sleep. The most important factor which is represented by the first house
is identity. Prestige, prejudice, perception and ahankara is represented
by the first house.
What is identity? Me myself mine. What
am I going to get? Where am I? How am I? How are they treating me? What am I
going to become? All these things are represented by the first house.
So the 12th house usually is called as the Vyaya
Sthana in the sense that, it is the loss for the next house. So for the first
house, the 12th house is the Vyaya sthana and for the 2nd house the first house
becomes the Vyayasthana, this is called as the Bhavat Bhava principle. So the
12th house is losing one's identity. Losing one's identity, means losing one’s birth
place. Place of birth is also represented by the first house. So when the 12th
house is going to unsettle the first house, the person will move out of the
country, out of his village, out of his city and travel far away for living. So
only for a livelihood if a person is getting displaced that is called as the
loss of identity of a person from a given place, physically. The second level
of loss of identity is that I lose myself. That is, I have lost my ego and I
come out of that egoistic perception to start understanding what this creation
is and what I am here for. So only when we are able to dissolve the layer of
the ego that Ahankara, only then we can see through this is. This is the real
essence mentioned in the Bhagavat Gita or any other spiritual text.
To sum it up, the key points are mentioned below:
Physical stature, Complexion & Appearance
Brain, Hair & its texture, Skin, Facial bones & Facial-lustre
· Honor, Dignity, Prosperity & General well-being
Name & Fame
Wisdom & Knowledge
Old Age
· Desires
Prestige, Mannerisms, Character & Behavior
Traditions & Customs
Inspiration & Aspiration
Happiness & Unhappiness
Good 👍