Thursday, May 16, 2019


Quadrants (Kendra’s) 1, 4, 7 and 10 are also known as Dharma (1st), Artha (2nd), Kama (3rd) and Moksha (4th).

Dharma represents Lagna/Ascendant, i.e., the First House - Righteousness.

Artha (Finance to live in this world). It’s the money, finance, economy and everything which makes the material world moving i.e. the 4th House.

The 3rd Quadrant is the 7th House, i.e. Kama. Kama means attraction towards the materialistic world. It signifies the desire to own things, i.e., materialistic desires or any attraction towards whatever you see, touch, feel, etc.

Moksha is to attain peace by eliminating all the above three by performing actions, i.e. the 10th House.  Hence 10th House, it is the way and means of getting Moksha by doing righteous karmas, by earning and making the money flow in the right direction and to have the best kind of relationship with the creation. The less we prioritize 1, 4 and 7, the more we can focus towards performing the 10th.

The highest prominence is always given to the highest degree of longitude and that is the 10th House, which is known as the karma sthana (the house which represents Duty bound responsible actions).

Trines or Trikonas represent the Body, Mind and Soul, i.e., 1st, 5th and 9th Houses.

Here Body which means all the parts and organs of the Human Body as a whole is represented by the 1st house i.e. the Lagna.
The Mind is represented by accumulated memory both organized and unorganized (Organized memory - which is known as knowledge and unorganized memory – random experiences). The knowledge might be acquired through thought, imagination, books, experiences, etc.

This self interactive thought process which has the ability to learn and adapt is known as the mind and is represented by the 5th House.

Soul - here Soul for the basic understanding means as follows: -
1st level Consciousness
2nd Level (advance) Conscience
3rd Introspection using the consciousness into deeper levels of the mind and try to understand what is within you.
4th Self Realization which is the final step of the soul, where it is to connect with the Macrocosm and be in sync with it.

What is Consciousness and Conscience?

Conscience depends upon the upbringing and the environment where a person is brought up. For ex. – if someone around you is eating egg or non-veg, as a vegetarian you would feel that he or she is committing a crime by killing an innocent animal. But if we go to places like Siberia, Russia or other cold areas where vegetables cannot be grown (due to the climatic conditions), there it’s a everyday lifestyle and there if we ask them that why do you kill animals like rein deer, musk deer, lion seal, walrus, etc., they will tell you that it is the only way to survive. Hence in this case they are not doing anything against their Conscience. For basic survival they have to kill or else surviving would be a question mark.

The conscience of the person depends upon on the social ethical values which he experiences through the community or the society in which he has been brought up and it varies from place to place, or we can say region to region.

Conscience also means - to differentiate between right and wrong. Let’s understand this by an example - if you lie to someone then where ever in the world you are, you are deemed to be wrong.  i.e., speaking a lie or following honesty is universal whether it is in India or Russia or America or any other place in the world.  So these human values like empathy, anger, sympathy, sorrow, happiness are all links between the mind and the soul.

Hence 5th and the 9th are given very less importance. In the real world where business is norm of life, human beings are running around for most of the hours and rest of the hours the person is sleeping i.e., he is unconscious. When a person is conscious his conscience, his self-realization, his mind set, his ethical values, his social commitment has to be in active mode. If these factors are asleep and only the Lagna that is the body starts functioning he will be a shrewd businessman who is not even bothered about what the other person thinks of or feels. Hence when an astrologer goes through charts he needs to see the placement of planets in these four Kendras and also three Trikonas. The Lagna becomes both the Kendra and the Trikona so it has the body and also it follows righteousness so that a person who has all good planets placed in all these 6 houses, the 1st , 4th , 7th , 10th , 5th  and 9th  is said to be a perfect person, this type of combination is not available on this earth. Since this combination is not available the complexity of astrology comes into play and you need to analyze each house with regard to its strength and positivity.

 We need to check whether the planet which is present in the soul i.e., if the 9th House is placed well or not, whether the planet which represents business that is mercury is placed in the right place or not. What if mercury is placed in the house of meditation? In this typical case the business aspect is killed and the meditation aspect is also spoiled. That is to say, Mercury being a hyperactive planet will not allow you to do meditation and also not strong enough to do business. Hence Mercury being the planet who is a purely business planet has to be placed in a business Rashi like Libra and in the same way a creative planet like Venus or Moon has to be placed in a creative house that is 5th house. If they are placed in the house of reality or daily routine, you will not get full benefit out of it.

 Planets like Saturn and Jupiter can be placed anywhere because they are slow moving and they have got dual characteristics.  Like Jupiter is both a righteous and a Dhana karaka planet. Hence it can give good prospects in business along with wealth and knowledge.  Saturn makes a person realize the importance of reality, truthfulness, honesty, etc. Frank opinions and fighting for justice can be attributed to Saturn. If Saturn is placed in the 10th House, the person will perform actions righteously. Responsibility is also one of the most important significations of Saturn and because of this it would not let the native to deviate from his path of righteousness. Hence we can say that the placement of planets is extremely important to understand the characteristics of a person. Also as Astrologers we can understand how to rectify the negative aspects of planets.

Now let us understand the term “Rectification?”

Purushartha is the term used to define the free will of a person to think, plan and perform a particular action. What if a person can liberate himself from the influence of the planets and perform karma? It is like saying that the person has his “Mind over Matter”. Here rectification means to go above these planetary influences and try to correct our path for the well being of both mind and soul. If we succumb to the forces of negativity of these planetary influences then we become the slaves under the planets. Our five senses get caught into the web of miseries and the whole world would seem like a dark never ending saga. We should be able to rule and control the five senses and the working of planets by performing our duties i.e., our karmas correctly. Usually people fall prey to these planetary influences and lose control over mind and actions.  It would be like continuously getting entangled into the situations without knowing the way out.

It’s not that Rectification means to only pray or perform ritual sacrifices to God. There are several scientific means of rectification wherein a person would have to set right his routine, lifestyle, eating habits, behavioral patterns, sleep patterns, etc.

Scientific methods of rectification help much better than traditional methods in the present world. 

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