Thursday, May 16, 2019


When and Why should we wear gemstones????

When should we wear and why should we wear gemstones? Whether it has to be worn when a planet is negative or when the planet is weak? And if we wear, will the planet become positive or will it become strong or whether to enhance the positive weak planet or to enhance a positive strong planet? What should we do and when should we wear a gemstone? These are the frequently asked questions about wearing a Gemstone.
 Planets need to be classified or categorised based on being natural benefics or malefics due to their characteristics. So if a natural benefic is ill placed and being a yoga karaka planet for that horoscope then what should be suggested?

Let’s take an example of Jupiter. If in a horoscope Jupiter is well placed but with inimical influence i.e. posited along with enemy planets or malefic planets, it becomes weak. Let’s consider Cancer Ascendant for which Jupiter is the 6th and the 9th Lord. If it is posited in the 9th House i.e. along with Saturn and Rahu, Jupiter though placed in its own house and a strong trine it loses much of its positive energy. In this case we can wear a gemstone for Jupiter which will actually enhances its strength to fight the negative influences of Rahu and Saturn and will individually try to give some good benefic results to the native.

Now let’s take another example where for the same Cancer ascendant Jupiter is posited in the 6th house i.e. Sagittarius along with Rahu and Saturn. Here in this case, the native should not wear a gemstone of Jupiter. Because by wearing a gemstone of Jupiter the native will enhance the qualities of 6th House creating more hurdles in his life. All the planets except the luminaries have ownership on two houses. Jupiter also has dual lordship but because of its placement its orientation will be more towards the ninth house if it is placed in Meena i.e. Pisces (9th House) and if placed in Sagittarius here it will be more strong as the 6th Lord than the 9th Lord because of its position in the 6th house. Also Sagittarius is the moola trikona sign for Jupiter hence wearing a yellow Topaz or yellow sapphire in this particular combination will be harmful for the native.

 Let’s take another example of Pisces Lagna. Moon is the 5th Lord and if it is debilitated (posited in Scorpio i.e. in the 9th house) and conjunct Saturn (the 11th and 12th Lord for Pisces Lagna) should we wear a gemstone related to Moon to enhance its strength or should we avoid it?

In this case we can wear a Moon stone because the Moon is basically a trikona lord (5th lord) and it has moved to another important trikona (the 9th). We should always enhance the strength of a planet which moves from 1st to 5th or from 5th to 9th. Here Moon is weak due to its placement but not malefic. In this combination the thought process and thinking ability of the native would have slowed down due to the weak placement of Moon and wearing a Gemstone like the Moon stone would bring in positive results.

If in the above context Moon is placed in Cancer along with Rahu and Saturn, then it becomes the 5th lord placed in the 5th house and hence Moon is quite strong. In this scenario a Gem Stone is not required. Moon is well placed and will give good positive results.

A malefic planet in a malefic house should we enhance it?
For example - Mars in 6th house. Yes in this case you should enhance Mars. Wearing a Coral is unethical and should be avoided by all means, since coral is not a stone, it’s an animal. It is unethical to kill an animal and wear its body part on our finger. As an alternate we can wear Blood stone which is the best for Mars.

Why should we enhance Mars?
Boosting Mars will enhance competitive spirit because it is posited in 6th house.

What is a malefic house?
For each planet malefic house differs. Normally the 6th and the 11th houses are considered malefic since both represent roga (illness). Saturn gives benefic results when placed in the 3rd, 6th and 11th houses. The 3rd house is the best. The same three houses are good for Sun. Though both these planets are opposites they have common good placements. In the 3rd house which is the Parakrama sthana (house of valour) one needs to have patience and also valour. For patience Saturn is required and for valour Sun is required. It’s not the same for Mars. For Mars we have other houses, like if Mars is posited in 7th, it is good. The person will be open towards relationships or mingling with people. People associate the term relationship with the opposite gender for the purpose of lust.

For a person who has to be good in marketing and selling products or if he has to sell a concept, he needs to know his environment and take quick decisions. This quality is given by Mars. Lust is a part and parcel of Mars in 7th. But 7th Mars if it is aspected by Jupiter or yoga karaka planet Saturn then the person will be ethical in his behaviour.

Let’s take another example - if we enhance Shukra i.e. Venus the person will be excellent in his skills but the other qualities of Shukra will also get enhanced. A strong Venus in the natal chart by birth can make the native a very good artist, ex. a good singer, a painter etc. He might become popular and famous but along with that he might also indulge in other unethical relationships.

For example - What if a person is going through Jupiter Dasha and if he wants to wear a  Gomed (Hessonite Garnet)?

Pukhraj  or a yellow topaz is for Jupiter and if Jupiter is well placed then we can say go ahead to wear the stone Pukhraj but if he asks for a drastically opposite gemstone i.e. gomedh (it is a honey colour stone) which is for Rahu, it is like wearing a gemstone totally opposite to the significations of the planet Jupiter. But in some cases where Jupiter is placed in 11th and Rahu is placed in 2nd we can wear a Gomed during Jupiter dasha.
But in case if Jupiter is placed in 5th and Rahu is placed in 11th, in this case we should not recommend wearing a Gomed. It is because both are aspecting each other (i.e. 7th aspect which is also known as an inimical aspect). So by wearing Gomed Rahu’s strength will get enhanced and overshadow Jupiter which is in the 5th.

The fifth house which is the house of progeny, honesty, imagination, creativity etc. will be spoilt and trampled by Rahu from the 11th. Unethical means of earnings is its signification. Everybody wants earnings from different sources but we should know the means we earn it. We need to think and as Astrologers we have to be careful in suggesting any gemstone. Earning income from unethical sources is not required and since it is easy it will make the native get caught in it.
There are more than 200 combinations to decide whether to wear a gemstone or not.

Let’s say if we suggest a person not to wear any gemstone at all, then it may be  because the person is going through Sade Sati. We should not restrict our analysis to the nine avasthas (status) of the planets but also need to see many other aspects of Position, Aspect and Conjunction. For ex. - if Mars and Jupiter are at war i.e. if Mars and Jupiter both are placed within one degree with Mars having the highest longitude then Mars wins the war.
For example: - suppose Mars is at 13 degrees 20 minutes and Jupiter is at 13 degrees and conjunct, then we know that Mars is ahead by Jupiter only by 20 minutes.  In this case Mars wins the war. Though Jupiter is a beneficial planet it will not be able to give any benefic results because it has lost the war. If Mars is benefic to that Lagna then the native can wear a gemstone related to Jupiter because Jupiter has to overcome the defeat. In this case suggesting a gemstone for Mars would not be benefic for it will totally spoil Jupiter’s positive qualities. We need to see and check many aspects like yogas, strengths, etc.

There are different types of gemstones for yogas. For example if dasha of Gajakesari yoga is running, the combination of gemstones is suggested in the same ring or by wearing two rings on the same finger.
Another example is - Budhaaditya yoga. We can wear both Ruby and Emerald stones together in the ring finger because they are friends and this combination will enhance the quality of this yoga.
Another example is when both Mercury and Jupiter are placed in 12th house however benefic they are for that Lagna, due to their placement and position wearing their gemstones will not be a good suggestion.

I have cited many examples in this article, but have not covered all the important ones. When time permits, I will be writing more.

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