Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Why do Rahu and Ketu assume direct motion sometimes?


Rahu and Ketu are the sensitive points of intersection of the plane of the orbits of the Moon and the Ecliptic.

The inclination is around 5 degrees.

The northern node is known as Rahu and the Southern node is known as Ketu.

The orbit of Moon around Earth is not a circle and is an ellipse. Hence the radius keeps varying.

Due to this in rare cases Moon becomes retrograde. The motion of Rahu and Ketu are already retrograde and when Moon becomes retrograde, Rahu and Ketu become direct.

Since this is a tough calculation and to make it easier the ecliptic orbit is made into a circle (absorbing the errors) and the positions of Rahu and Ketu are tabulated and called as Mean Rahu and Mean Ketu (taking average).

As you have mentioned if you take the option (which is available in certain software) True Rahu and True Ketu, you will find in certain cases Rahu and Ketu are in direct motion.

As per my understanding Rahu and Ketu act very differently when they are in direct motion. Research is required to be done in this area and is to be published.

What is the Rahu and Moon in the 7th house Vrischik Rashi D9 chart?


Rahu and Moon combination destabilizes the mental frame work of a native. Here in this case it is posited in the 7th house in the D9 chart.

D9 chart signifies relationship, spouse, partnership, etc.

The 7th house of a D9 chart represents the type of relationship, the type of partners and also the character of the native’s spouse.

It is clear that when Rahu and Moon are in the 7th, the ascendant of the D9 chart has Ketu posited in it.

The drastic conflict of Rahu and Ketu influences mars and marital happiness.

It would take a lot of commitment to keep the marriage. Patience and perseverance is required for its sustenance.

Other planetary positions are not verified to see whether the negatives get cancelled or lessened, since the same is not provided.

Even the position of D1 is not known.

What happens if Rahu is in the 6th place?


Rahu in the 6th keeps your enemy away from you, since he will fear.

You will be strong in competitions and your fearless attitude will win you a lot of friends.

Rahu in the 6th may also give you secretive diseases and hence you need to be careful about hygiene.

Do not take loans above your requirement, since paying back would be a headache.

What kind of husband do you get if you have Ketu in the 7th house? 


If Ketu is not afflicted by any planet and the 7th lord is well placed, then the spouse will be a man of perfection.

Ketu is a sharp intellectual personality who can comprehend difficult problems and give solutions to them. He will also be a loner and would not be interested in the social affairs.


But if there is any malefic influence over it, then it would act or behave accordingly. Ex -  If Saturn influences then he will be always anxious, restless and will also face pain in joints.  Similarly, if Mars influences then the native will have a short temper nature, aggressive, etc. 

What will be the effect of Rahu Mars in the 5th house in a Virgo ascendant chart?


Mars and Rahu in the house of Capricorn where Mars gets exalted gives mixed results.

Rahu is considered a malefic for this ascendant and for that particular placement in the 5th house.

This combination of both Mars and Rahu in the 5th house constitutes to Sarpa dosha. Here Sarpa dosha does not refer to snake or serpents (since it is a myth that people associate the dosha with animals).

The house which gets afflicted suffers and the native will go through anxiety and suffering related to the significations of that house.

Here it is the 5th house which represents Children, Education, Heart, etc.

The combination of Mars and Rahu itself suggests problems related to the skin.


In depth analysis has to be done to understand the intensity of this dosha and see whether other combinations have either cancelled partially or nullified its malefic effect.

Which mantra is more effective if Rahu Mahadasha is giving very very bad results, Durga Saptashati or Rahu Beej Mantra?


Both the referred mantras are good for chanting.

You can also try out the 22nd verse of the Soundarya lahiri.

Bhavani Tvam daase mayi vitara drishtim sakarunam
Iti sthotum vanchan kathayati Bhavani Tvam iti yah |
Tadaiva Tvam tasmai dishasi nija-sayujya-padaveem
Mukunda-Brahmendra-sphuta-makuta-nirajita-padam ||
– Soundarya Lahari 22

The meaning of this shloka is available online and also in print.


Chant this in the brahma muhurtha (which is normally between 4.50am to 5.30am).

What are the effects of Rahu in the 8th house of a Gemini ascendant?


Rahu in the 8th from Gemini gets placed in the sign of Capricorn and is said to pose hurdles in a native’s life.


If the ascendant lord is strongly placed, then the native will be able to overcome the negativity of Rahu.

What is the effect of Rahu in Cancer, 7th house in D9?


Without knowing the actual positions of planets in the D1 chart nobody can predict anything in particular from the D9 chart.

In general Rahu in the 7th house in D9 means that Ketu is placed in the ascendant in D9.


Ketu in D9 ascendant makes person too skeptical about relationships and would be sarcastic towards marriage and married life.

What is the effect of Ketu in lagna in Kanya rasi?


People born in the sign of Virgo (Kanya rasi) with the ascendant falling in it, will be good in acquiring knowledge.

Ketu is also known for higher knowledge with higher refinement.

This combination of Ketu in Virgo ascendant may give the native a strong mentality, psychological strength and so on.

These people can do very good as Chartered Accountants, Editors, Journalists, etc.


The other planetary positions are also to be seen and verified before attesting these statements.


What do you predict in Ketu Mahadasha in detail?


Ketu the solo perfectionist.

If Ketu is well placed (preferably in Upachaya sthanas - 3rd, 6th, 10th or the 11th) then the native will have a good Ketu dasha period of 7 years.

If Ketu is ill placed (like being placed in the quadrants or the trines) then the native will go through tough challenges.

In some cases, Ketu in the 5th and the 9th gives excellent results. The native can be very active in research and become spiritual.

Ketu is a very peculiar kind of planet. It makes the native more mentally active and less physically active.

Ketu likes dark and cool places and hence the native with a strong Moon would become active after Sun set.

In cases wherein the native has a Sun in the ascendant then the Ketu period may cause sleeplessness.

Ketu in a broader sense would give refined thinking and abstract imagination.

People who are running businesses like industries, hotels, restaurants and so on, are worried about Ketu dasha since it interrupts the flow of funds and profits.

There might be delay in financial transactions.

A cool mind is required in this period and the best would be to sleep well and not over work one’s brains.

People may face diseases like Eye pain, Eye sight problems, Tooth problems, Key hole surgeries, Fractures, Insomnia, Endocrine malfunction, leukoderma, etc.

Any how the placement and association of Ketu has to be verified to confirm the above results.


What does Rahu in the 8th house signify for a Scorpio ascendant?

Rahu is said to exalt in the signs of Taurus and Gemini. Now in this case Rahu is placed in the 8th house from Scoripio and that would be Gemini.

Rahu is strong and there is no doubt, but its placement as in the 8th house gives rise to many factors which are both positive and negative.

Positive factors: -

Highly motivated, Protects culture and tradition, Charity and Social work, etc.

Negative factors: -

Extravagant, False pride, Stubborn, etc.

All of these factors will transform if there is an influence of another planet.


Is it true that in Rahu Maha dasha, no remedy will work if Rahu is placed in a horoscope?

Remedial Measures for Rahu Maha Dasha will work if the native will try to mend his way of life in most cases, but not all.

The intensity of negative effect due to the ill placement of Rahu may result in chaotic circumstances, wherein the native may become panic stricken and may take rampant decisions without clear thought.

The best remedy would be to take a step back and think. Take advice of your closest family members and not everyone.

In some cases, the native goes through forced circumstances wherein he / she would have suffered a loss. This cannot be substantiated, but since the dasha is of Rahu, the native would feel better if he/she would take some time out and go out on a trip or a tour to relieve pain or suffering. In earlier days we would call this tour or trip as pilgrimage.


What happens when Ketu is in the 2nd house for a Gemini Ascendant?

The 2nd house signifies Family, Wealth, Speech, Teeth, Eyes, etc.

Ketu creates break or disruption in free flow of events. Here it is posited in the 2nd and hence would be an hindrance in family affairs and acquiring wealth, tooth decay, eye sight problems and so on.

If the 2nd lord is well placed, then the intensity of the problem may come down.


What happens when Rahu Maha dasha gets started?

Rahu is a sensitive point (Ascending Node), the point of intersection of the orbit of Moon around the Earth and the Sun around the Earth (Eccliptic). This sensitive point has gained immense importance in the field of Predictive Astrology.

Let’s discuss both the positive and the negatives this enigmatic planet Rahu.

First of all, it is a sensitive point where there is immense magnetic flux and hence has a force of attraction (Grahana shakti and hence a graha).

The positives of Rahu are that it makes the person aim oriented, industrious, think big, have perseverance, Foreign investment, Import and Export business, etc.

The negatives of Rahu are mostly known

Faulty Logic, Irreligious, wanders far away from place of birth/stay, Humiliation, depending on others support for living, Falsehood, Wickedness, Harsh Speech, Confused state, Dirty, Materialistic, etc.

So when a person enters into the Rahu dasha he can get motivated and get into a line of business and make it big (positive strength) or get disoriented and lose direction and get into hopelessness.

The actual position of Rahu will give various results depending on each and every chart.


What advice would you give to a person who is undergoing Rahu Maha dasha (of 8th house) and is on the brink?

If you are into something which is disappointing, then slowly come out of it. This placement of Rahu might make you indulge into things you feel is right. Many might differ with your opinion and when you fail they will make sure that it hurts.

False allegations, unnecessary situations, litigation, wasteful expenditure, etc. happen when Rahu is placed along with a benefic in the 8th house.

The best would be to windup what is not working and take some time to recuperate. Do not panic.

How does Rahu in Cancer in the 3rd house affect a Taurus Rising?

Exact effects are difficult to tell, due to the lack of information of the exact placement (in degrees from the ascendant) and for not knowing the other planetary placements, such as the 3rd lord Moon and so on.

Generally, for Rahu in the 3rd and it being Cancer sign, the native might have troubles with the relationship with his siblings.

Rahu in the 3rd house gives rise to a strong yoga, such as the Vikrama Yoga. This yoga again gets the strength if another malefic is associated with Rahu (which is not known).


What are the effects of Ketu in the 10th house in Capricorn if Saturn is placed in Lagna in Aries?

If Saturn is retrograde, this combination of Saturn in ascendant (being Aries) and Ketu in the 10th would make you preacher or an adviser of the highest rank.

Saturn is debilitated in the sign of Aries and if not retrograde would make it weak.

Saturn being the 10th lord and the 11th lord is deemed malefic for Aries ascendant. But, since Saturn is the lord of the house of Karma (Capricorn) it is regarded to have the highest importance in the chart.

Though it is weak due to its position in the ascendant Saturn will have a lot of bearing over the formation of the native’s character and behaviour.

Saturn will delay progress and hence make the native go through anxiety.

If the ascendant lord Mars is well placed, then the native will go through less tension.

ketu on the other hand in the 10th house will force the native to keep quitting jobs or changing jobs. The native will feel dissatisfied in most of the jobs until he crosses his middle age.


What are the remedies for Ketu Dosha?

Rahu and Ketu create problems in a chart when they are posited along with benefic planets or in beneficial houses.

Both these planets will give positive and negative results as individuals, but when they are posited along with benefic planets like Venus/Jupiter/Mercury and Moon, they spoil the significations of the benefic planet.

It is very difficult to perform remedial measures for rectification of this dosha (malefic effect).

Serving the underprivileged, the sick will keep the native away from the ill effects.


What is the effect of Rahu in Lagna and Ketu in the 7th house in a horoscope?

People with Rahu in the ascendant are very energetic and always want to get involved into mostly everything.

Rahu makes them bold with a lot of confidence. The only bad thing is when the person becomes over confident and makes mistakes.

Ketu on the other hand is an introvert and when it is placed in the 7th house, the person will have secretive relationship or will go through a love marriage. The relationship will mostly be quite and decent. Depending on the chart this placement might also cause differences of opinion with the spouse.

Though this is not a good position of Ketu, it is much better than having Rahu in the 7th (which is an aggressive planet).


Can someone share your experience during Rahu Mahadasha when Rahu is placed in the 2nd house?

Rahu gives the force/motivation for the native to achieve materialistic goals, like building an own house, buying vehicles, etc.

In this case Rahu is placed in the 2nd house, the house which signifies primary education (at home), wealth, teeth, eyes, family, food, etc.

Rahu will give the urge to eat tangy and spicy food. Will motivate the native to earn and amass wealth.


All this depends on the strength and positivity of the ascendant lord.


What are the effects when Rahu is in the 6th house and Ketu is in the 12th house in Aries Ascendant?

This is regarded as the best position as per the kalapurusha. Ketu is the karaka (signifier) of the 12th house for various reasons and its placement in the 12th and that too being the sign of Pisces is a perfect placement.

Rahu in the 6th house is the sign of Virgo may cause some difficulties, but this placement of Rahu and Ketu will make the native spiritual.


What are the effects of Rahu in Virgo in the seventh house?

For Pisces ascendant Rahu being placed in the 7th house of Virgo is good only for professional success.

Rahu may create problems with regard to marriage and married life.

The other planetary placements are important and have to be analysed before confirming anything.


What is the effect of Ketu at 25 degrees in the 7th house of Taurus Ascendant?

Now that you have mentioned the degrees of Ketu being 25, it would be required to furnish the degrees of the ascendant too.

If the ascendant for example falls within 5 degrees of Taurus, then Ketu will move on to the 8th bhava.

So, without knowing this it would be just guess work.

Anyhow, the placement of Ketu in the sign of Aries would make it placed in the constellation of Bharani (which is between 13 deg 20 mins to 26 deg 40 mins).

Bharani is ruled by Venus (the ascendant lord) and hence has full effect over the native’s character.

Here the placement of Rahu in the ascendant is very important to note.

The native will have more effect of Rahu over him as compared to other planets in the chart.

The placement of Mars the 7th lord is not known.


What is the effect of Ketu and Venus conjunction on marriage if placed in the 1st house of Kanya Lagna?

For analysis of Marriage one has to go through the associations and placements of the 7th house (Sign of Pisces).

Here in the sign of Pisces Rahu is posited.

More than the ill effect due to the aspect of a debilitated Venus and Ketu from the ascendant, the placement of Rahu determines a lot.

The placement and strength of Jupiter the 7th lord is important to be known.

Rahu in the 7th will give romance and love marriage, but will be unstable and challenging to sustain.


How will Rahu Maha dasha be for a Pisces Ascendant with Rahu in the 10th house in Moola Nakshatra, Jupiter in the 12th house and Ketu, Saturn conjunction in the 4th house?

Rahu in the 10th for a Pisces ascendant will give good focus in job and profession.

With the dispositor placed in the 3rd house from Rahu and 12th from ascendant the native should be getting a job abroad and most likely settle abroad for a few years.


What results does Rahu give in its Maha dasha if it is placed in the 8th house for a Cancer ascendant?


The 8th house represents inner craving or desire and when Rahu is placed in that position the native becomes stubborn in achieving his/her passion.

This passion of the native is determined by the Ascendant, 3rd house/lord, the position where the ascendant lord is placed in the chart and the 10th lord (Karma sthanadhipati).

In this case the 8th falls in the sign of Aquarius which is considered the own house of Rahu and is one of the beneficial placements.

Rahu gives excellent results in the sign of Aquarius.

If the ascendant lord Moon is well placed (let’s say exalted in taurus or in its own sign the Cancer, etc.) then the native will basically have a good mindset and hence would have an ethical goal to achieve.

Rahu in the 8th house will give the commitment and perseverance to achieve one’s goal (here Rahu is said to be beneficial).

As the 8th also represents obstacles, Rahu will also provide some hindrances by confusing the native or by giving more than one opportunity and force the native to make a choice.


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