Tuesday, January 25, 2022

3rd Bhava/House – Characteristics/Karakatwas

 Third Bhava or the 3rd House is known as the Bhatru bhava.

And the karaka of 3rd house is Mars.

 There are some other theories where the dark planets in the sense that shadowy planets – Rahu & Ketu also takes up the karaka of this house. But still no book has concretely given this particular idea or set these planets for the 3rd, 9th or any other house except for Ketu as the 12th house karaka.

 So the Upachaya Sthanas (House of Growth) that is the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th are referred to the Dark planets, because these planets, that is Rahu & Ketu perform very well in the house of Growth. Hence both Rahu & Ketu becomes partial karaka for the 3rd house.

 Third house is also known as the House of Valour (Vikrama/Parakrama sthana). Parakrama happens when one can show his courage. Nowadays a person can show his courage by fighting and coming out valorous in most of the games which we play between different countries other than the war because nowadays war is not considered as shaurya or valour. It is considered as an inevitable defence system, in which we have to protect ourselves. But still the people who are working in the army, they need courage. They are valorous, their courageous because they show their grit, their commitment towards protecting our country or any other country in different countries.

They show their valour. They are ready to give their life and this is why it comes in the third house, the neck. It signifies arms, the neck, the shoulder bones.

 One of the most important characteristic is communication. It is the house of growth & activity. The ears, throat, the vocal cords, the collarbones all are signified by the 3rd house. And the people who have good third house will have good family because it is an excellent House of activity. So good family background and if benefic planets are placed there that signifies that the native will be blessed with a good, happy & supportive family. Maid servants, short journeys or travels, even travels of marketing and business also fall in the third house. But usually it is seen from the seventh house because it is the house of business, but short journeys like short trips or vacations or displacement of a person from a given residence is also seen from the 3rd house. Not from the place itself. He doesn't get pushed away from the place itself,

like for example - a person is staying in Bangalore city or Delhi, so he will be changing his residence. Let us say that he is in rented accommodation in Delhi. He will leave that house and move out to another house. But if he is in own house, there is a chance that either he will give it to for rent, or sell it off and then go to another house. So this selling off residence, sale of residence and making money out of it, is also seen from the 3rd house.

 3rd house represents the hands, the dexterity of our fingers, the whole arm is actually and hence also the handwriting. The 3rd house represents handwriting and the 5th house represents mind writing. It’s a beautiful concept to understand, handwriting is only a physical thing that they practically are writing, that's it. If it starts flowing from the mind and comes to their hand and that writing is called mind writing that’s because the brain is controlling, our hands are not, if only our hand is writing and there is a little bit of discontinuity, it becomes only handwriting.

 Hormonal dysfunction is a very important point to be noted here. Hormones are seen from the 8th house and the dysfunction of these hormones are seen from the 3rd house.

 Skill, hobby, part time falls in the 6th house. But 6th house is for a hobby or part time going into a little ahead and becoming service. But in 3rd house hobby or part time is for own self enjoyment.

For example - Like I love painting and I do it for myself. I love singing and I sing it for myself so it is not like we are going to perform somewhere suddenly. Performance can also happen if the Lagna Lord is strong.

 Diseases like tuberculosis, pneumonia, asthma, rheumatism and coughing all these are listed in the third house. Upper part of the lungs and chest comes under 3rd house. Hence doing the pranayama called Bhastrika is good for improving the functioning of lungs.

 Radio television, anchoring, radio jockey comes in the 3rd house due to its quality of communication. They can be very good presenters. So, journalism, advocacy and writing and editing also comes in the 3rd house.

Librarians, libraries, communications like - email communication, postal communication, wireless communications, walkie talkie, telegraph all communications, falls in the 3rd house.

 To sum up the points mentioned above, below is the list of characteristic:

 ·        Valour, Courage, Strength & Heroism

·        Siblings i.e. Co-born

·        Maternal uncle

·        Communication

·        Short travels - short trips/vacations - air travels

·        Right ear

·        Upper portion of Chest

·        Shoulders & Arms

·        Thyroid glands & Vocal chords

·        Hormonal Dysfunction

·        Handwriting

·        Growth

·        Activity

·        Motivation

·        Past time or hobby

·        Writings & Editing

·        All types of Communications


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