Monday, March 2, 2020


How would you describe a person with Virgo Sun, Pisces Moon and Leo Rising/Ascendant?


Sun in Virgo makes a person very strict and decent. Sun being the ascendant lord is placed in the 2nd from its own sign Leo.

It is good for a planet to move one sign ahead of its own sign. It shows growth in wealth, family and prosperity.

Moon which is the 12th lord shows travel, expenses, illness and so on. It is placed in the 8th sign Pisces. Here Moon is comfortable, but since it is placed in the house of desire and again illness, the native should be aware of his health and try to keep fit. There are chances of him suffering from diseases related to water (kapha/phlegm).

Moon is strong since it is about 180 degrees from Sun (opposite to Sun) and is close to a full Moon.

The native is mentally strong person. Other planetary placements have to be checked to understand the chart better.

What happens if the 9th and 10th Lord in the 8th house with Mars and the ascendant is in the 11th house with Rahu for Taurus Lagna?


The 9th and the 10th lord for Taurus ascendant is Saturn and its position in the 8th (in the sign of Sagittarius) is good.

The actual issue is with the Ascendant lord Venus being conjunct Rahu in the 11th house.

For Taurus ascendant Venus is both the ascendant and the 6th lord. The 11th house is the 6th from the 6th and hence controls the 6th house.

The 6th house represents Competitiveness, Sharing Capability, Compassion, Service, etc. as positive significations, but the negative are factors like Enemies, Diseases, Loans, etc.

Here in this case both get enhanced due to the conjunction of Venus along with Rahu.

Hence the native has to be cautious with regard to his health and hence his eating habits should be under control.

Other than that, the position of Saturn should be a matter of concern.


What is the impact of the Mars-Saturn conjunction in Libra for Capricorn Lagna?


Saturn is the ascendant lord and its placement in the sign of exaltation is excellent. Here the transformation is due to its conjunction with Mars the 4th and the 11th lord.

Mars definitely spoils the positivity of Saturn due to its contrasting significations (characteristics).

The distance between them is to be verified since it is crucial to know as to whether Saturn is in a safe distance from Mars. If in a safe distance the strength of Saturn will prevail and the native can get good results in its major and minor periods.


What is the effect of Rahu placed in 5th house, Saturn in 3rd house and Jupiter in 8th house with Mars for Libra ascendant people in the perspective of progeny and childbirth?


Born around the month of April 1989, you have a very strong chart.

The 5th lord Saturn being placed in the 3rd house (i.e the 11th from the 5th) clearly suggests that you will have a child after mid-2020 and 2021.

The placement shows delay but no denial.

With minor medical intervention you should have a normal pregnancy.


What are the effects when Venus is at 0 degrees, Mars at 2 degrees, and Saturn at 17 degrees in the 10th House of Aries Ascendant?


Since there are three planets with varied degrees ranging from 0 degrees and 17 degrees, the actual placement of these planets are to be seen in the bhava kundali (equal house method).

To know this, we need to know the degree of the ascendant too.

There is no surety as to whether all the three are in the 10th from the ascendant.

If ascendant is at 0 degrees in Aries, then Venus and Mars will remain in the 10th and Saturn will move on to the 11th. Here the Sasa yoga which seems to be there in the Rasi kundali will get cancelled (modified) in the Bhava yoga since Saturn is no longer in the Quadrant from ascendant and moves to the 11th house.

If the ascendant is at 20 degrees of Aries, then both Mars and Venus will move backwards to the 9th house and Saturn will alone be in the 10th. Saturn in the 10th (Capricorn) will give rise to Sasa yoga and hence will give excellent professional stability in the future.


I hope you understand the importance of the longitudinal difference between the ascendant point and the planets to understand their real effects and relevance.

Rahu, Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury conjunction in the 1st house with a Libra ascendant. What happened with this conjunction?


When there are two or more planets in the same house (sign) then the longitudes of each of them is to be known to understand their influence on each other.

Here in this case Rahu is placed in the same sign as Venus, Jupiter and Mercury.

Now we need to know as to whether Rahu has influenced the other three planets or has influenced only a particular planet.

Without which it would be impossible to predict anything.

Also the longitude of ascendant is to be furnished.

The best would be to furnish the details of birth so that we can generate the chart ourselves.



What are the effects of Rahu Moon close conjunction in Hasta Nakshatra pada 1 in 10th house of Sagittarius ascendant?


Moon which represents the Mind is influenced by the malefic Rahu which signifies impurity or impure thinking (only in certain cases does Rahu give positive results).

This placement in the 10th house, i.e in the sign of Virgo is not considered good, since Moon is the 8th lord and is placed in the 10th house, the house of profession.

The 8th lord is considered the lord of hurdles or dissatisfaction and being placed in the 10th house may cause dissatisfied professional life.

The best way to get through this combination would be to practice meditation and be calm.


The attitude of the native is very important to continue in a profession successfully.

What are the effects of a conjunction of Sun, Saturn, Mars, and Mercury in the 6th house for a Virgo ascendant and Jupiter being Vargottama in the 7th house?


For a Virgo ascendant the placement of Saturn in the 6th house (own sign) which is Aquarius gives good results.

The conjunction of Sun and Mars in the same sign is of concern.

Sun is the 12th lord and is considered a prime malefic for this ascendant.

The distance of Sun from that of Saturn is very important for analysis and prediction. This information has not been provided and hence the predictions will be general in nature.


The degree of the ascendant is also important for accurate placement of planets in houses.

What is the effect of Surya Budh and Guru in the 10th house?


Surya, Budha and Guru (Sun, Mercury and Jupiter) are placed in the 10th house. Lets say the distance between Sun and the other two planets are not such as to combust them.

Then this placement gives rise to excellent raja yogas. Sun and Mercury gives rise to Budhaaditya yoga which in the 10th is in itself a Raja yoga.


The fact that the ascendant lord is in well placed from the combination and that the planets concerned are benefics is important for positive results.

What are the effects of the Rahu and Moon conjunction in the 1st house for a Leo ascendant?


Rahu signifies motivation towards materialistic achievements and Moon signifies mental balance.

For Leo ascendant Moon is the 12th lord and Rahu is considered a malefic.

But, this combination of Moon and Rahu will give positive results in foreign land, with foreign people or with foreign goods, provided the ascendant lord is well placed.


Else, this combination may also give depressive tendencies which are detrimental to the the progress of the native.


What are the effects of having a Jupiter Saturn conjunction in the 2nd house for a Sagittarius ascendant?


For Sagittarius ascendant Jupiter is the ascendant lord and its placement in the 2nd house (Capricorn) gives excellent results but after some delay due to the debilitation of Jupiter.

In this case Jupiter is associated with (Conjunct) Saturn (which is also the 2nd lord). The ascendant lord and 2nd lord in the 2nd house will give rise to a strong dhana yoga (combination for wealth).

All this when Saturn and Jupiter are both not retrograde and are in a safe distance from each other (that is not to get involved in a war - Graha yuddha).


Does a woman born in Capricorn ascendant having Saturn and Venus in her twelfth house settle in a foreign country in her old age?


 It depends on the planetary period and transits.

Venus and Saturn in the 12th (in the sign of Sagittarius) is not a very good placement, though Saturn and Venus together is a good thing to happen.

Venus in the 12th house might give foreign travel in both young and old age.

The placement of Saturn is crucial. If it is not malefically aspected then yes the native can settle abroad in old age (provided a favourable dasha period is in operation).


What is the result of the Sun Mercury conjunction in the 8th house of a Scorpio ascendant?


For a Scorpio ascendant Sun is the 10th lord and Mercury is the 8th and the 11th lord. The combination of Sun and Mercury in the 8th house (in the sign of Gemini) gives rise to a strong Vipreeta Raja yoga.


Sun in the 8th will not give rise to dosha, but still this indicates difficulties in health to the natives father.


What will be the challenges faced if the 10th lord is Venus sitting in 6th house along with Ketu?


When the 10th lord is posited in the 6th house (from ascendant), it has moved 9 houses from the 10th (6th house is the 9th from the 10th).

This is a very good placement for the 10th house and hence the 6th house is seen to understand Service and Competitiveness.

In this case Venus the 10th lord is posited along with Ketu in the 6th house. The combination of Venus and Ketu may create hurdles in professional life.

This combination will be come severe only when both the planets are posited very close to each other, else, there will be only temporary disturbance.

The time will change as the planetary dasha period changes.


What happens when Ketu Venus Saturn and the Moon are in the 12th house in my birth chart?


Firstly it depends on the ascendant sign. This is because for certain ascendants Moon is a benefic and for a few Moon is a malefic.

Venus and Saturn are benefic for Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius to certain levels which keep wavering.

So, no one can give a sure shot prediction but give general analysis of Venus, Saturn, Moon and Ketu in the 12th.

Generally the 12th house signifies sensuality, enjoying materialistic comforts, sleep quality, abroad travel and settlement, etc.

If malefics are placed in the 12th the above significations will get the malefic influence and hence will trouble the native.

Here in this case, Ketu which signifies the 12th house (being the karaka for Moksha) and motivates the native towards salvation is placed along with the materialistic planets Venus and Saturn.

This is a conflict and since Moon is also involved the native will also get emotionally distressed.

The lordship of Saturn, Venus and Moon will also influence those houses and their factors.


What is Vipreet Raj yoga basically? Are there any examples to share?


Vipreet Raj yoga happens when the 6th/8th/12th lords are either placed in the 6th/8th/12th houses.

When the planets gain strength (6/8/12th lords) then the native will surely gain confidence in life. The planetary period of these planets will be beneficial to the native.

For example :

A native who is a Civil Engineer and Architect was doing just okay in her profession when she was going through the Saturn Maha dasha (Aries Ascendant with Saturn in 11th house - sign of Aquarius).

Normally when Saturn is placed in own sign and that too the house profit, it is assumed that the native will make good profits. But, in this case the native was just scraping through (not even close to her expectations).

She entered into the Mercury maha dasha in end 2016. Mercury is the 6th lord which is debilitated in the 12th house. (6th in 12th has caused VRY).

This planetary period saw a lot of changes in her way of handling her business. She has put up a new office in a busy street and is making very good progress. She also passed the highest civil contractor certification examination which is required for authenticating loans and projects.

VRY has given her the strength and confidence and also good profits.


What is the effect of the 2nd and 11th house lord for an Aquarius ascendant debilitated in the 12th house?


Jupiter is the 2nd and 11th lord for Aquarius sign and when it is debilitated in the 12th house (the house of loss and displacement) we feel we will go under loss, lose our profession and so on.

Actually if the ascendant lord Saturn is well placed and the 10th lord Mars is also well placed in the chart then the native might do well abroad (professionally).

If the ascendant lord is not strong and is weak then the native will go through difficulties taking decisions with regard to travel, investments and hence might go under loss financially.

If the 6th lord is strong and malefically posited then the native might go through illness.

All these predictions are based on general planetary positions and will vary as per the actual chart.


How does it affect an Aries ascendant to have Mars, Ketu, Mercury and Venus in the 5th house? My 11th house is in Rahu and Saturn (retrograde) in the 9th.

Mars the ascendant lord being placed in the 5th house is excellent. The other planets placed in the 5th will either compliment the 5th or pull it down.

Here Venus is not considered good, since it is afflicted by the placement of Ketu.

The degrees between the planets are to be known before getting into predictions, since the planets may have involved in War (graha yuddha) and mutually both the planets might have lost their positivity.


What are the effects of the Sun and Mercury in the 12th house for a Virgo ascendant?

Any query regarding conjunction of any planet with Sun should be supported with the longitudes of both the planets.

In this case let us assume that Sun and Mercury are in a safe distance from each other, such that Mercury is not combust and being the ascendant lord is strong and well posited with Sun to form Budhaaditya yoga.

12th lord Sun in the 12th has given rise to a Vipareet Raja yoga and the conjunction of Mercury and Sun also has given rise to the yoga as said above.

If Mercury has gained shadbala (six fold strength) then the native will have good prospects abroad/faraway place from the place of birth, professionally.


What happens if 5th Lord in 7th house, 7th Lord in 9th house and 9th lord in 11th house?


The 5th lord in the 7th house is considered good since being a benefic the 5th lord has moved 3 house into the 7th house (which is an important quadrant).

The 7th lord moving on to the 9th (a trine) will enhance 9th house.

The 9th lord moving to the 11th will ensure profits and luck to the native, but this is not considered as a good house (the 11th).

The native may suffer some chronic problems which might have passed down to him from parents (heredity).


What happens when you have the Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn in the 7th house of a D9 chart?


Sun and Saturn together in the 7th house in any chart is not a good combination and is clearly considered negative or problematic.

Here this combination is placed in the 7th house of the D9 chart.

The 7th house of a D9 chart signifies communication and relationship with spouse. There will be problems like misunderstanding and ego between the couple.


What is the effect of the Mars and Ketu conjunction in the 4th house in the sign of Scorpio?


Mars when placed in the sign of Scorpio is considered to be in a very good position. Even Ketu which is said to share this sign as its own house along with Mars is considered to give good results when placed in it.

Mars and Ketu in the 4th house and well posited will certainly give good Education, Own House, Vehicles, etc.


What is the effect of the Jupiter Mercury Sun combination in the Virgo sign of a Libra ascendant?


For Libra ascendant Virgo becomes the 12th house. Jupiter is the 3rd and the 6th lord, Sun is the 11th lord and Mercury is the 9th and the 12th lord.

This combination of Jupiter, Sun and Mercury will give mixed results since Mercury is placed in the 12th which is its own sign and will tend to give positive results, but Jupiter and Sun may not give good results.

Jupiter being the 6th and Sun being the 11th have conjoined in the house of loss. The native has to be careful with regard to his/her health. Jupiter suggests digestive problems, Sun suggests acidity and in combination it suggests Hyper tension and Diabetes.

Good diet, exercise and keeping in good health would be priority.


For a Gemini ascendant, how is the conjunction of the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury in the second house considered?

Moon when placed in its own sign is an excellent combination for Gemini ascendant.

Here we have Sun, Venus and Mercury along with Moon.

We need to know as to whether the other three planets are combust due to the placement of Sun in the same sign.

The position of Sun in the 2nd will anyhow give good results as Sun is the 3rd lord.


Venus is the 5th lord and Mercury is the 4th and ascendant lord and this combination gives rise to a Rajayoga.


What is the result of Sun, Mercury, and Venus in the 7th house and the 7th lord in the 9th house of a Libra ascendant? How will be the married life?

Mercury and Mars have exchanged houses in this case. Here the ascendant lord Venus is placed in the 7th house in Aries and is associated with Sun. The degree difference between Sun and the other two planets has to be verified to check as to whether the planets have gone through combustion or not.

If the planets have gone through combustion then the married life would go through troubles, but if there is a safe distance between the planets then it would be smooth.

The aspect over the 7th lord Mars which is placed in the sign of Gemini is also important.

The whole chart has to be seen to make an accurate prediction and hence the details of birth is required.


What happens when the Sun, Budh, and Shukra are in the 8th house of a Virgo ascendant?

For Virgo ascendant Mercury and Venus are benefics and their combination in the 8th house i.e Aries is not that good. The conjunction gives rise to challenges to the native.

The exaltation of Sun in the same house is an excellent placement since it gives rise to Vipreet raja yoga (being the 12th lord in the 8th house). The native will have orientation towards his goals and will succeed in achieving them.

Depending on the planetary period the native will progress in life.


What are your views on Saturn Rahu conjunction in 11th house and Sun Mars Ketu conjunction in 5th house? I am a Libra ascendant.

For a libra ascendant Saturn is a yoga karaka (which can single handedly give rise to Rajayogas).

Saturn is here placed with a malefic Rahu in the 11th house (sign of Leo).

This is not a good conjunction. Saturn becomes weak and will under perform (give less positive results). This combination also induces fear into the native and makes him over cautious and anxious.

The placement of Sun, Ketu and Mars in the 5th will give rise to good education (though there might a years gap due to various reasons).


What is the effect of Jupiter in 7th house and Sun, Mercury and Venus in 6th house for Virgo ascendant?

For a Virgo ascendant Jupiter is the 7th lord (lord of the sign of Pisces) and it being in the 7th house gives rise to Hamsa Yoga.

This is one of the strongest of yogas and will give positive results.

It is to be noted here that Jupiter should not be retrograde in motion.

The placement of Sun the 12th lord in the 6th house gives rise to a Vipreet Raj Yoga.

Mercury and Venus (the lord of the ascendant and the 2nd and 9th lord) conjunct is an excellent combination, but since it is in the 6th house along with Sun, the native has to be careful with regard to his health.

Mercury in the 6th gives rise to Deha kashtha yoga (ailments to the body).

But, this position of Mercury with Venus in the 6th makes the native rich and famous.


How would you describe a person with a Scorpio rising, Taurus Sun, and Aquarius Moon?

Moon in the sign of Aquarius (Kumbha) and it being the 4th house makes the quadrant (Kendra) strong. Moon here is the 9th lord and will fortify the 4th house.

Sun the 10th lord in the 7th house (opposite of ascendant) will make the native a career oriented person. Interested in Politics at an young age.

The placement of the ascendant lord if known would have made things more clearer.

Moon in the 4th house gives luxury and comforts.

Here is a person who is brought up in a well to do environment, the native has an aim to achieve and would never compromise it for anything.

A silent, reserved but committed achiever.

If Mars is well posited with good aspect over the ascendant, Moon or the Sun, then the native may enter the Armed forces as an officer.


What happens when Jupiter, Mars, and Venus are in the 7th house in Capricorn and Moon and Rahu conjuct in second house for cancer ascendent?

Moon in the 2nd from Cancer ascendant is an excellent position. The distance between Moon and Rahu matters a lot.

If Moon is in a safe distance from Rahu then the ascendant lord Moon would acquire good positive energy and so does the native.

If Moon is very close to Rahu (say within 5 degrees) then the ascendant will get malefic affliction and do does the native. The native will get confused very fast and only meditation and mentoring will help.

The 3 planets Jupiter + Mars + Venus in the 7th create a combination of Raja yogas and also some malefic yogas.

Venus and Mars in the 7th (Capricorn) makes the native romantic and creative.

Jupiter and Mars in the 7th (Capricorn) gives rise to Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga.

Jupiter and Venus combination is known as Dwiguru yoga and in the 7th may give problems in the marriage/relationship.


What are the effects of the Sun and Venus conjunction in the 10th house for a Sagittarius ascendant?

Any planet other than Rahu when comes close to the Sun (at least within 5 degrees) then we say that the planet has gone through combustion and hence is very weak.

Venus and Mercury are always close to Sun. But if Venus is not combust and is associated with Sun in the sign of Virgo which is the 10th sign from Sagittarius ascendant, then being the 6th and 11th lord may give health problems to the native.

Here in the sign of Virgo, Venus gets debilitated.

Sun the 9th lord in the 10th house (Virgo) may give the native a good Govt. Job.


What are the results of Mercury and the Sun in the 12th house for a Pisces ascendant?

For Pisces ascendant Mercury is a badhaka planet (planet which causes hurdles) being the 4th and the 7th lord (lord of the quadrants) and Sun is the 6th lord (lord of growth and competitiveness).

This combination in the 12th will give you an opportunity to go abroad on job or get into a Govt job which will have frequent transfers.

Without the whole chart it is just giving you a rough analysis.


What are the effects of Mars in the 4th house and Saturn in the 7th house for a Taurus ascendant?

For a Taurus ascendant Mars is the 7th and 12th lord and hence is considered malefic. Saturn is the 9th and the 10th lord and is considered an excellent benefic planet.

Here in this case, Saturn is placed in the 7th house in the sign of Scorpio and its dispositor Mars is placed in the 4th (sign of Leo).

Saturn is aspecting Mars with its 10th aspect and in turn Mars is aspecting Saturn with its 4th aspect.

Though Mars is a malefic, due to this mutual aspect and being the dispositor of Saturn and also being placed in its friends house, it will act positive to the chart and will give good results in its dasha period.

Mars and Saturn periods may give happy marriage and good life.Again the above prediction will vary depending on the placement and associations of other planets too and especially the ascendant lord Venus.

What happens if Jupiter and the Moon are in the 5th house for a Virgo ascendant?

11th lord Moon and the 4th and 7th lord Jupiter form a strong association when conjunct. This combination is known as Gajakesari Yoga.

Jupiter when placed in Capricorn becomes debilitated. But, the combination with Moon will certainly give it back its strength and though there is delay, the significations of the 5th house v.i higher studies, good progeny and other important factors will manifest.


What will be the effects of Moon and Ketu placed apart by 20 degrees in the fourth house of Aries? Retrograde Saturn is placed in the second house and the Sun is in the sixth house.

First Case : considering the planetary positions from Aries ascendant.

For Aries ascendant Moon happens to be the 4th lord and its conjunction with Ketu in the same sign is not considered good. Here in this case you have clearly mentioned that there is a distance of 20 degrees from each other (that is between Moon and Ketu).

This is a very good information to know that Moon is not malefically influenced by Ketu and that Moon independently gives good effects of being placed in the 4th house.

Also one should understand that Ketu also will be influencing the 4th house if not Moon.

So a combined effect of Moon and Ketu independently influencing the 4th has to be considered.

Second Case : Considering the position of Moon and Ketu in Aries and the ascendant being Capricorn.

In this case Moon becomes weak due to its placement in Ashwini constellation. The lord of that nakshatra (constellation) Ketu is placed in the same sign.

Now the relationship between Ketu and Moon is created. Here in this case Moon gets afflicted due to Ketu and hence is deemed weak.


What is the effect of the combination of Rahu, Saturn, and Mars in the seventh house of Taurus Lagna?

Mars is the lord of the 7th house from Taurus and its position in that house gives rise to a strong yoga called as the Ruchaka yoga.

In this case this yoga is spoiled by the placement of Saturn and Rahu in the same sign.

This combination of three planets may create problems in marriage and marital life. It would be better if the native would get the charts matched before finalizing the alliance.

Also the other placements like the Jupiter and Venus the ascendant lord has to be verified before judging the horoscope in full.


What happens when Shukra and Rahu is present in the same Nakshatra Aridra in the 7th house for a Sagittarius ascendant?

Shukra represents good and comfortable living. When it gets involved with (conjunct) with Rahu then it gets impure.

The problem starts when the native desires more than he puts effort for. There will be dissatisfaction and depression due to failures.

The best remedial measure would be to live a simple life and keep your desires under control. Do not argue when it is not your matter at all. People around you will misjudge you immediately and you will not be able to prove your point.

Meditation will help.

How good is the Venus Mercury Moon conjunction in the 5th house?

5th house signifies creativity, though process, imagination, education, progeny, etc.

The placement of benefic planets like Venus, Mercury and Moon in the 5th house is a good sign.

You will be inclined towards knowledge and will be artistic in nature.The actual results will depend on the ascendant sign and the placement of the ascendant lord too.


What happens when Mangal and Shani are in the 2nd house of a Virgo ascendant?

Both Mars and Saturn have conflicting characters (Significations).

One is Aggressive (sometimes arrogant) and the other is Calm (sometimes placid)

Mars is Virility and Saturn is Impotency

The stronger the planet the more it rules this conjunction

In this case for Virgo ascendant Saturn in the 2nd house makes it exalted and very strong, whereas Mars is the 3rd and the 8th lord and is weak in the 2nd.

Mars however is aspecting the 8th and hence the 8th house is protected.

If Saturn is having more longitude than Mars then Saturn will give full positive results and on the contrary if Mars has more longitude than Saturn and is faraway from Saturn the again its negativity will not hinder the positiveness of Saturn.

Only in the case of both being close by and Mars gaining more strength due to higher longitude the positivity of Saturn is destroyed or lessened.

Mars is considered negative and hence will give negative results unless the ascendant lord is strong and the ascendant has positive aspect.


What does it mean if Tula Lagna, 7th house Aries having 5 planets, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury?

Sun is exalted and being the 11th lord will give excellent results when associated with Jupiter and Mercury.

The closeness of Saturn and Venus to Sun is to be verified to understand as to whether the planets have undergone combustion or not.

If not combusted and are close together then being the ascendant lord Venus fortifies the ascendant and makes it strong.

A debilitated Saturn (though there is an exalted Sun) will not give good results.

The chart has to be referred to make certain predictions. Just placements cannot be taken for sure.

What happens if Sun Rahu and Mercury is in the 6th house of Pisces Lagna?

6th lord Sun in the 6th house should be giving positive 

results. But, since it is mentioned that Rahu and Mercury conjoins it in Leo, the whole scenario changes. Sun gets afflicted by Rahu and loses its positive strength.

Sun represents the Heart and this affliction may give rise to 

Hyper Tension (High BP) and problems related to the heart (Cardiac problems).

The native would have to take care of health on a daily basis.


What are the effects of the three planets Venus, Jupiter, and Ketu placed in the 6th house?

Venus and Jupiter are considered natural benefics and their placement in the 6th is not considered good.

There are positive aspects of this placement anyhow. The native will be humble and will strive hard to serve people around him/her.

The placement of Ketu in the 6th along with these two benefics acutally afflicts Ketu and this placement may cause health problems like diabetes, varicose veins, etc.

The best remedial measure would be to exercise (walk) and eat well (nutritious).


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