Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Abroad Travel

Abroad Travel

When classics where written thousands of years ago travelling abroad or even going to far-off lands was considered a taboo. With this perception, one should understand the implications of the yoga which suggests that a native may visit/travel or settle abroad.

The parameters for abroad travel or immigration is as follows:

1. 3rd lord/house (short travel)
2. 7th lord/house (business travels)
3. 9th lord/house (Long journeys)
4. 12th lord/house (displacement from place of stay)
5. 4th lord/house (present place of stay)
6. Rahu/Ketu (Mlechcha Grahas – represents foreign lands and people)

When 3rd/7th/9th lords are strong and are associated with fast moving planets travel should be predicted.  Also if the 3rd/7th/9th house fall in a chara rasi (movable sign) then travel should be predicted.  Here as said above the purpose of travel gets modified depending on the lord and on the type of planets influencing it. 

For example, when Rahu influences then there would be travel abroad to places where non-vegetarian food is used.  It also suggests that the cultural practices would be different from the place from which the native hails.  In simple words it is a change a Villager experiences when he/she enters New York (USA).

Shift residence from one city to another within a certain distance is seen from the 3rd house (12th from the 4th).  But if the displacement is for a far-off place then the influence of the 12th lord or house is a very important factor. If benefic planets are aspecting this change then the change would be profitable and vice-versa.

If there is a strong dhana yoga in a chart with the influence of the 12th lord on the 2nd then it should be understood that the native may get profits from foreign lands and if there is travel associated then one should understand that there would be immigration to foreign land.

Here transit of Jupiter and Saturn plays an important role to understand the timing of travel.  In cases of immigration one common query is to whether the native will be immigrating alone or he will be able to take his family with him.  In this case, we need to analyse the position of the 2nd lord and the 2nd house.  If there is sufficient bhava bala in the 2nd and the Dasha/bhukti is favourable then one should suggest that the native will be able to take his family members along with him to foreign lands.

For example, if Saturn is transiting over the 2nd bhava (which signifies food) then one should understand that the native will be deprived of home food and hence would have to eat out (outside food from eateries). This may be for a temporary period or may extend to 2 to 3 years if the 2nd lord is badly posited in the natives chart.

Some usual queries with regard to abroad travel are: 

1.     I am trying to get immigration to a country but am not able to make it through. When will I be able to go abroad?

Ans.: In many charts the 9th lord may not be favourably posited or would not be influencing the 12th.  Though the native is trying hard with all his effort, there may not be success in the getting immigration.  Calculation using Tajaka principles will be able to give more accurate timing.  Using the formulae suggested in Ithasala yoga will help in determining as to whether the native will be successful in the present year or not.

Strong 9th and 12th lords give the native profitable travels and also immigration.  If the 4th house is weaker than the 10th and the 9th and 12th lords are favourably posited that then native will get a work permit and later will settle down in a foreign country. 

Strong Jupiter in the lagna, Jupiter in the 4th, lagna lord strongly posited in the 4th, Lagna bala and 4th house bhava bala are strong, etc. will not allow a person to immigrate abroad, until and unless, there is a stronger 12th/9th influence.

Watch my Videos on Foreign Travel on Youtube





  1. It would be very helpful for people planning to travel. Keep up the good work!
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