Monday, March 2, 2020


What happens during Shani Maha dasha?


Whenever one talks about Saturn or Rahu people have a tendency to fear negative effects.

Saturn in particular is an excellent Teacher since he is one who has the Experience of a life time.

To understand the effects of Saturn Dasha you need to first understand Saturn’s nature.


Let us begin with an example: -

If one wants intellectual advice on legal matters he goes to an Advocate, for learning language and Art he goes to a teacher, but to learn the way of life, like say agriculture, the time of sowing, planting, taking care of the crops and many other things where only an experienced person can give clarity on minute details one has to go to the Eldest experience person of the village and that’s Saturn.


Saturn knows the roots of culture. Saturn is the back bone of our social strata. When a person goes through Saturn Maha dasha we need to first classify as to whether it is a benefic or a malefic Saturn for that horoscope.


It is not enough to only understand the status and position of Saturn, but also we should understand the mutual position of all the planets from Saturn’s perspective (taking the Maha dasha lord’s position as the 1st house).

If the other planetary positions are good, then Saturn’s dasha and bhuktis (major and minor periods) will be excellent and the native will slowly grow in stature and will become a known figure in the society.

If few of the planets are ill posited from Saturn, then those minor periods within the Major period of Saturn will pose hurdles and difficulties to the native. People who are in business might experience financial difficulties and sluggishness.

In the case Saturn itself is a malefic to the native then again we need to see in which sub dasha (sub lord’s period) is the time going to be better and which planetary period it is going to be bad.

By this we can understand the exact periods in which the native will be comfortable and in which periods will the native suffer from pain and depression.


Likewise, we can advise the native to be careful and cautious.

Saturn is a rectifier, if the native has unnecessarily strayed away from his goal in this life, once he enters the Saturn’s period he will start falling into the path of reality.

All those who were pretending to be friends will get exposed and the harsh truth of reality will come to light. This revelation will be painful, but the experience will be a life time lesson to the native.

People who live by conning and thieving will learn a lesson when they enter into the dasha period of Saturn. They will be hit hard and lose most of what they have acquired illegally.

All those who have been illegally running their businesses will suddenly be exposed and those who are corrupt will end up paying hefty fines, get suspended, transferred, etc.

Those who are honest do not have to worry when they enter into the planetary period of Saturn, since they will be protected.

What are the effects of Saturn with Rahu placed in Capricorn? In such cases, is Saturn Maha dasha good or bad for a Taurus native?


Saturn in Capricorn is an excellent placement since it is in its own sign and fully comfortable.

The only problem is its proximity to Rahu.

But, with all that the distance between Saturn and Rahu is to be known to analyse as to whether the combination yields positive or negative results.

This position is the 9th from Taurus ascendant and makes Saturn a yoga karaka (fortune giver) since it is both the 9th and the 10th lord.


In my Navamsa, Saturn is debilitated with an exalted sun. Is it a good Neecha Banga yoga?

Neecha bhanga Raja Yoga (NBRY) happens when a planet is debilitated in the D1 (Rasi Kundali) chart and the debilitation gets cancelled in the D1 or in the D9 chart due to the placement of the debilitated planet or the dispositor or the Moon.

For example: Venus gets debilitated in the sign of Virgo and if it is placed in the constellation of Uttaraphalguni in the 4th quarter it falls in the sign of Pisces in the D9 (navamsa) chart and hence gets exalted in the D9.

That is, it is debilitated in the D1 and exalted in the D9 and hence NBRY.

In your query you have only suggested the placements in D9 chart without the reference to the D1 chart.

This does not fall under NBRY.

How can Saturn Maha dasha be predicted if Saturn is in the 1st house in Pushya Nakshatra and the Moon is in Taurus?


Moon the ascendant lord of Cancer is exalted in the sign of Taurus in the 11th house. This is an excellent placement.

Saturn is placed in its own Nakshatra Pushya (Constellation) and as per your query you are going through the Maha dasha of Saturn presently.

This placement of Saturn, though not considered as good, will give moderate results due to its mutual placement from the ascendant lord Moon.


Presently both Jupiter and Saturn are transiting over the sign of Capricorn, which is the 7th from Cancer. The period of this transit is not good. The time after May 2021 would be better when Jupiter will pass Saturn and moves in direct motion towards the sign of Aquarius.

Saturn (R) in 1st house Capricorn sign is aspecting mercury (R) in 7th house cancer. What does it mean?


Saturn is retrograde in its own sign and is also the ascendant lord (Capricorn ascendant).

Here Saturn is retrograde. Saturn has gained a lot of strength due to its retrogression and its position in its own house.

This position is good for out of the box thinking and fast calculations.

The placement of Mercury the 6th and the 9th lord in the 7th house (retrograde) makes things eccentric.

The brain of the native runs too fast and hence sometimes erratic. The native will be too sceptical and always rebellious.

It is said that when two retrograde planets see each other (aspect) particularly in the 1–7 axis they multiply their significations.

Here being the 6th lord Mercury might give chronic breathing diseases or even neurological problems (problem of the CNS).


The other combinations and planetary positions have to be verified and analysed before fortifying the same.


Which is the strongest position of Saturn in a chart?


Saturn gives the best of results when it is placed in the 3rd or 6th or 11th in a chart.

Now being a yoga karaka and getting exalted in these houses will give best results.

For example, for Taurus ascendant when Saturn is placed in the sign of Libra and with a strong Venus (let’s say is exalted in the 11th house from Taurus in Pisces).

The above combination is one of the strongest combinations for a native to become an artist, a surgeon, an architect, etc.

Saturn in the ascendant in Taurus is also considered very strong due to its lordship (being the 9th and the 10th lord).

Saturn in the 10th house for Capricorn ascendant will make it exalted and being the ascendant lord will confer Raja yoga.

Saturn in the 9th house for Aquarius ascendant will make the native the luckiest and blessed.Saturn in the 2nd from Capricorn ascendant will also give rise to one of the strongest Dhana yogas.

There are many other strong positions of Saturn.


How is the Saturn placement in the 12th house for Tula Lagna?

Saturn is the 4th and the 5th lord for Tula lagna (Libra ascendant).

Its position in the 12th i.e in the sign of Virgo will give mixed results.

There is a good chance of settling abroad depending on the planetary period the native is going through.

If the ascendant lord is strong and has mutual aspect to Saturn, then there will be progress in life.


What are the results of the Capricorn Ascendant Saturn in the 7th house of Cancer for a female horoscope?

Saturn in the sign of Cancer is considered uncomfortable and weak.

In this case Saturn has gained directional strength since it is posited in the west (7th house).

Also mutually ascendant gains strength due to the aspect of Saturn over it (7th aspect).

Saturn should be giving positive results being the 1st and the 2nd lord and being placed in the 7th house.


What happens when Saturn is in Lagna in Taurus?

Saturn is a very strong benefic for Taurus ascendant as it is the 9th and the 10th lord. Being placed in the ascendant the native will have physical strength and mental stability.

He can rise up to a good level in life. The most important factor would be the placement and association of Venus in the chart (since it is the ascendant lord).

If Venus is well placed and is in a Quadrant or Trine from Saturn, then the native will achieve success in life.


What are the results when Saturn is in Pisces (8th) and Sagittarius (12th) house?

You have given two different positions of Saturn.

In case one, the ascendant falls in the sign of Leo and Saturn being the 6th and the 7th lord is placed in the 8th and in the second case the ascendant is that of Capricorn and the ascendant lord Saturn has moved to the 12th in the sign of Sagittarius.


The first placement is not considered good due to the fact that Saturn is both the 6th (triksthanadhipathi) and the 7th lord (lord of relationships) and is placed in the house of desire, dissatisfaction and hurdles (8th).


In the second case Saturn is the ascendant lord and is disposed in the 12th house and this placement might force the native to go away from family and hometown due to work obligations. In this case if the other placements are good then the native will get settled abroad and will do well in life.


What do Ketu and Saturn in the sign of Pisces in 11th house denote?

One malefic Ketu and an extreme benefic Saturn in the 11th house in Pisces from Taurus ascendant will give eccentric thinking abilities.

You can get into spirituality and achieve greatness.

All this if the ascendant lord Venus and the 5th lord Mercury are well placed.

The placement of Sun also plays an important role.

Becoming an adept in the field of Spirituality and Counseling is not an easy task. You need excellent communications skills, learning capability and calmness.

Hope your chart makes you strong and keeps you stable.


What happens to the Sade Sati or Shani Ketu conjunction when Saturn gets combusted?

When Saturn or any other planet other than Rahu gets combust it loses its strength and becomes weak.

While in Sade Sati, if Saturn gets combust for that period of time the situation will come to ease and the ill effect of Saturn (if it was negative to the native) will lessen.

In the case of the conjunction between Saturn and Ketu, and in this case Saturn is combust, i.e Sun is also in the same sign (or very close to Sun if on the edge of another sign), then the situation is different. The distance between Saturn and Ketu has to be determined to know as to whether Ketu is actually influencing Saturn or not.

If it is influencing then this combination of Sun, Saturn and Ketu is not good for the native’s health. Depending on the placement the native may suffer heart troubles, fracture or go through an operation.

If ketu is not influencing this combination of Saturn and Sun, then the effects of Saturn is totally destroyed by the combustion due to Sun.

Sun takes over the sign and will give results depending on its lordship.


When will Sade Sati start for Kumbh Rashi?

Saturn will be entering Capricorn by end Jan between 24th and 25th and that’s when generally Sadi sati will begin for those who have Moon in Kumbha rasi (Aquarius).

To be more specific, Sade sati of Saturn will happen when Saturn is within 45 degrees from Moon on either side.

So, if Moon in Aquarius is on its farther edge, i.e let’s say 28 degrees. On just by entering Capricorn (let’s say 1 degree into Capricorn) Saturn will be still 57 degrees from natal moon (29 deg of Capricorn + 28 degrees of Aquarius) and hence Sade sati will not have commenced.

When Saturn enters into the 13th degree of Capricorn, Sade sati will commence.

The negative effect of Sade sati would be very less for an Aquarian as it is also a sign owned by Saturn. There would be more positives like travelling, exploring new places and people, settling abroad, etc.


What is a retrograde Saturn in Tula?

Saturn gets exalted at 20 degrees in Tula Rasi (Libra) in the constellation of Swathi.

When it is both retrograde and exalted it acts as though it is debilitated (Uttara kalamrita - by Kalidasa).

It does not actually act as debilitated, but will have gained strength due to Chesta bala (retrograde strength) and also due to its exaltation, but since it is both, it becomes eccentric and unpredictable.

A normal exalted Saturn makes a person decent and perfect in his field. But, when it becomes retrograde and exalted then the behaviour will get transformed and the person will be excellent in his field of work but will be skeptical.


What are the effects of retrograde Saturn at 29 degrees in the 7th house of Cancer sign for a Capricorn ascendant?


A retrograde Saturn in Cancer sign gives mixed results.

The fact that it is posited at 29 degrees does not qualify it to be posited in the 7th house from Capricorn ascendant. That is because we do not know the exact degree of the ascendant.

For example, if the ascendant is at 10 degrees in Capricorn then the placement of Saturn will move on to the 8th house. Adding 15 degrees to 10 degrees of Ascendant would give 25 degrees and hence Saturn in 29 degrees is 4 degrees more than 25 and hence would move on to the next house.

If ascendant is at 18 degrees in Capricorn, then the placement of Saturn would remain in the 7th bhava (house) in the bhava kundali.


What are the effects of Shani in the second house?

If Saturn is a yoga karaka (benefic planet) then its placement in the 2nd house will give good financial status, property and childhood.

If the same Saturn is a malefic, then the above results will modify. In cases where the 2nd lord is well placed, then though Saturn is placed in the 2nd, the 2nd lord due to its innate strength will take care of the significations of the 2nd house.

The lordship of Saturn also matters a lot.

Saturn might be the lord of a dustana (trik houses 6th, 8th and 12th) and placed in the 2nd with a weak 2nd lord.

In the above case the native will suffer childhood and also will be a slow learner. 2nd house signifies primary schooling and also the first school of a child, its home and the first teacher its mother.

Saturn destroys these relationships and hence these moments of life if it is a malefic and the 2nd house is weakly disposed.

There are too many combinations and hence variety of results.

We need to analyse each one of them separately


What is the effect of Shani in the 5th house in the Sagittarius Ascendant?

Saturn delays but never denies. This is a very strong thumb rule one learns as an astrology student.

Saturn in the 5th house will give excellent knowledge when normally placed in the 5th house. Here, Saturn is debilitated in the 5th house since it is the sign of Aries.

With a debilitated Saturn, we need to know how the 5th lord Mars is placed to understand the strength and results of the 5th house.

Other than that, the placement of Saturn in the 5th (being the 2nd and the 3rd lord) is a good placement with regard to stability and character of the person (note: Saturn is not retrograde here).


What will happen if Saturn seats in the 1st house of a chart?

Saturn in the 1st house reminds me of the famous phrase: -

“Slow and steady wins the race”


The people with a benefic Saturn in the ascendant will have a sure and stable head over their shoulders. They believe in hard work and mostly are practical. They do not panic and are always ready for an experiment and experience which will be challenging.


They also do not mind to work long hours and do not get tired of routine. They are hard core honest and expect the people around them to be the same.


Integrity is their mantra to success. They are perfect and sober.

This placement is not liked by now-a-days youth / teens since they feel a person this sober is not fast enough for this modern world.


Saturn is a perfectionist. When you speak to a person with such a strong placement of Saturn (benefic), you will feel you are talking to a walking encyclopaedia. They give respect to knowledge and age. They do not ridicule people, since they know how it feels to get humiliated.

They are mostly silent and focus their energy on working.


What is Sade Sati and mental unrest?

Sade sati of Saturn (the 7 1/2 years of Saturn) begins when Saturn enters the 12th house from Moon and traverses the 12th, 1st and the 2nd from Moon.

For every 30 degrees (one sign) Saturn approximately takes 2 1/2 years and hence will take a period of 7 1/2 years for a full term of Sade Sati.

Since Moon represents the Mind, the thought process and the thinking ability the effect of Saturn (which is usually a slow moving and cold planet) will slow down things. The things around the native will start seeming dull and boring.

The native will become depressed due to this effect. In many cases Sade Sati of Saturn (for those native wherein Saturn is a benefic) the natives start new initiatives and businesses and make very good financial gains in the 7 1/2-year period.

In some cases, wherein the ascendant lord is not strong, the native will get tense, anxious and the fear of failure will creep into the mind-set.

This is a very dangerous thing to happen. The best remedy would be to get into activity like exercising, morning walk, get along with friends, play, etc.

Basically when Saturn is hovering over Moon the native will get deep into a shell protected by his/her own identity. This we call as depression. They become stubborn and are not ready to listen.

Parents should take up the responsibility of their children and focus on cheering up child rather than start pointing out mistakes or even pass sarcastic remarks.

In cases of adults, it would be best to support them and listen to them. Be with them and help them come out of the depression.

Gardening, Painting, Outdoor activities, etc. will help one to gel with people and come out of anxiety.

Astrologically, Saturn will be continuously rectifying our paths. For example, if we are doing something which is not destined or is out of our limits then Saturn without mercy corrects our path. One might experience pain and discomfort to adjust to the corrections in life, but Saturn has its own way and we need to abide.

This is a very good query and I hope many would give their valuable inputs.


Effect of Saturn in 6th house for Sagittarius Ascendant?

For Sagittarius ascendant Saturn becomes the 2nd and 3rd lord and its position in the sign of Taurus (being the 6th house from Sagittarius) is very good.

This position will give strength and perseverance to the native. The native will never get bored of routine and will actually help and serve the poor.

This is also a good position to serve in the Govt. and get into good positions.


In my Navamsa, Saturn is debilated with an exalted sun. Is it a good Neecha Banga yoga?

Neecha bhanga Raja Yoga (NBRY) happens when a planet is debilitated in the D1 (Rasi Kundali) chart and the debilitation gets cancelled in the D1 or in the D9 chart due to the placement of the debilitated planet or the dispositor or the Moon.

For example: Venus gets debilitated in the sign of Virgo and if it is placed in the constellation of Uttaraphalguni in the 4th quarter it falls in the sign of Pisces in the D9 (navamsa) chart and hence gets exalted in the D9.

That is, it is debilitated in the D1 and exalted in the D9 and hence NBRY.

In your query you have only suggested the placements in D9 chart without the reference to the D1 chart.

This does not fall under NBRY.


What will be the effect of the 3rd Sadhe Saati in life? 

We usually call this term of Sade saati as the last cycle, unless the horoscope has Poornaayu (full term longevity of over 100 years).

In this period the psychological self and hence also the physical body will be influenced by Saturn. Sluggishness will creep into the mind and hence it is required to keep the mind active.

People who are mentally fit and also physically fit should find some activity to keep themselves engaged.

Age will start showing due to the effect of Saturn.

The best treatment and remedy for the 3rd round of Sade Saati of Saturn is to practice Pranayama on a daily basis. Do not decrease too much in diet and intake. Necessary nutritional intake is required to keep the bones and muscles strong.


What is the meaning of having exalted Saturn in the Navamsa chart?

If Saturn is exalted in the Navamsa (D9) chart, then it is an indication that you have done good in your past life and you have a good D9 chart which is supported by Saturn.

Saturn Maha dasha and bhukti (major and minor periods) will be good with regard to Married life and relationships.





1 comment:

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