Monday, June 4, 2018

FAQ’s of Marriage

1.       When will I get married?

Astrological parameters to be checked are: 7th Lord and 7th House, Maha dasha planet (Majorperiod) and Antar dasha Planet (Sub period),  Transit of Jupiter and Saturn, 5th lord and 9th lord, Navamsha Kundali (D-9 Divisional Chart).

If the 7th lord is strongly placed with a favourable planetary dasha and also a strong influence on the 7th house (bhava) by the transiting planets Jupiter/Saturn, then there is a very good chance that the native will get married in that period or will get engaged.

If there is support of the 5th lord and the 9th lord, then the native will fall in love with his spouse before marriage (in case of arranged marriage) or will go through a successful love marriage which is blessed by both the parents.

The ascendant should have fallen in a benefic amsa in D-9.  Venus should be well placed (karaka for marriage).    Karaka means “one who signifies.”

2.  Will I be happy after marriage?

Everyone wants a happy marriage. This is a question which is asked the most by parents when they are seeking a spouse for their son or daughter. They want to know whether their son/daughter will be happy after his/her marriage.

The parameters for a happy married life is not easy to be listed.

But, generally, for a good and stable marriage, Jupiter and Venus play an important role in ones chart.  Their placement will suggest as to whether there is spark in the married life or not. 

The 7th house should be void of malefic and it should not be flanked by malefic planets (planets should not be posited on either side i.e. both in the 6th and 8th)

The lagnadhipati (ascendant lord) should be strong and the trik stanas (6-8-12 houses) should be void of planets or only malefic planets should be posited there.

Kendra lords and Kendras (Quadrants) should be well posited.

After all these parameters are satisfied, there are more parameters which have to be checked and since it is a detailed study all the parameters cannot be listed here.

3.  I am in love and will I marry him/her?

Marrying the person whom you love would be the most beautiful thing that has happened in your life. Not all love affairs end up in marriage.

Parameters for a love marriage: 5th house/lord for romance, 7th house/lord for an intimate affair and the 9th house/lord for elders blessing/approval.

Most of the time we see that the couple who love each other are in the fear of disagreement from their parents.  It’s very rare that both the boy’s and the girl’s parents agree to the marriage.

The agreement of parents is seen form the 9th house and the 9th lords position in the chart.  If the 9th lord is strong and is aspecting the 7th house or the 7th lord then there will be elders blessing.

If the 5th is well placed with aspect of Venus then there will be a romantic love affair.  If there is an affliction of Mars on the 5th house, then there will be an affair which may not be that romantic but will be more intimate.

4.  My marriage is going through a rough patch, will it patch up or how many years should I suffer?

If there are malefic influences on the 7th and their (that planets) dasha is in progress, then the marriage will be going through ups and downs.

If the transiting Jupiter becomes retro over the 7th house or the 7th lord then there will be a temporary misunderstanding between the couple.

If one can see a good period in the future which will be a benefic planet and that planet is well placed in the horoscope, then the native will come out of the suffering and the marriage will patch up.

But, in the same scenario, if there is a malefic dasa of a slow planet like Saturn, Rahu or Ketu  then there is a chance that the marriage will break up.

The following dasha periods are not good for a stable marriage.
a)      Jupiter / Saturn
b)      Jupiter/ Venus
c)       Saturn/Rahu
d)      Rahu/Mercury
e)      Sun/Ketu or Sun/Rahu
It is always important to conduct a marriage when both the boy and the girl are not going through the dasha systems which are listed above. Also the upcoming dasha period should not be the above ones. It is difficult to adhere to these rules due to many factors, of which aging is the most important factor.

If there is a beneficial dasha following the time of query, one should give the native a hope of reconcile.

If the lagnadhipati is weakly disposed and the 7th lord is strong with malefic influences, then the native may have to go through this till the dasha/antardasha becomes favourable.  

The transits of Saturn and Jupiter play an important role in this case. A benefic Jupiter will give good financial gains and a benefic Saturn will give a sane mind.  Both of these factors help a marriage to be stable.

5.   I have gone through a divorce. Can I remarry and when is that?

This is also one of the common queries now-a-days.
The parameters for second marriage are: The 9th house and lord, Venus, Mars and the transits of Jupiter and Saturn.

The 9th house represents the second marriage (3rd from the 7th house – bhavat bhava principle).  A strong 9th lord will give a stable and happy second marriage.  Also the placement of benefics like Venus/Jupiter in the 9th will help.

The Maha dasha lord and the Antar dasha lord will help in deciding the timing of marriage and the quality of married life in their period. 

The placement of Mars is important in this case.  Mars gives the hope in life and hence in cases of depression after the divorce of the first marriage a benefic Mars aspect will be helpful for revival.  The native will make up his/her mind to get into another relationship after garnering courage.

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