Sunday, February 20, 2022

4th Bhava/House

 The 4th Bhava is called as the Sukha sthana (house of comforts) and matru sthana (denotes mother). Sukhasthana with regard to all the materialistic luxuries required for our day to day activities and also beyond it, is to be seen from the 4th house Like -  having a mansion or a regular house or a flat in an apartment, or a landed property i.e. house on own land/plot, etc. also the type of vehicle one can have basic requirement or a luxurious car (ex – Mercedes Benz or Xuv etc.) depends upon the planetary position in the 4th bhava.

 Another important characteristic is to be seen is the native’s mother and that becomes the Lagna of the native’s mother and from that we can see so many other things too. The karaka of Mother is Moon i.e. Chandra. It is the purest planet which can bestow purest form of selfless love through mother.

The karaka of Sukha is Venus i.e. Shukra, here sukha does not mean bliss or happiness but sukha means enjoying the luxury of facilities and materialistic benefits. How beautifully the house is decorated – quality of furniture, interior decoration, expensive décor items, etc. it all depends on the 4th house.

The primary education is seen from the 2nd house and after that education, the education after a person enters into schooling and till to a certain level i.e., 10th or 12th, it is seen from the 4th Bhava. But if a person is 25 years old and he is trying to do his education or complete his education, we need to see the 5th house. But If he is something within 20, we need to see the 4th house/bhava.

 Agricultural fields, pastures, orchards and all other transportation business, construction, transportation, civil engineering, architecture all these things are to be seen from the 4th Bhava.

 Cattle, milk, goats, cows fall under the 4th bhava because it is the house of milk.  If the fourth house is strongly placed in a chart, that particular native can become a good agriculturist.

 The 4th house represents the chest, the breasts, lungs, entire lungs, the breathing capacity of our lungs can be seen both from the third house and the 4th house combined together. So if the 3rd and the 4th those of a person are well placed these people will have a strong upper body and good breathing capacity.

Blood pressure and the upper part of the heart is seen by the 4th Bhava. Here the upper part of the heart is where in the blood is pumped into the brain, face, chest, both the arms and the entire body.

 Let’s go into minute details. The LAD and the RCA, RCA - is the right coronary artery and the LAD - it is a left anterior descending and the RCA which is the right coronary artery which branch out from the main artery, comes from up, they don't come from below of the heart. These are the places where blockages happen. LAD is known as the widow maker as it takes away lives. Not only that men die because of heart attacks, but on an average women have stronger hearts.

 To sum up the above discussion, the major points are listed below:

·        Education up to degree

·        Mother

·        Milk – all by products of milk

·        Purity

·        Practical knowledge

·        Materialistic luxuries

·        Vehicles

·        Construction of house

·        Residence – landed house or flat, Agricultural land, etc.

·        Fields, pastures, farms, orchards, buildings, etc.

·        Happiness

·        Buying & selling property

·        Hospitality

·        Upper part of the heart, breast, lower part of lungs, diaphragm

·        Blood pressure

·        Digging tanks & wells, drinking water, ponds, rivers, lakes, etc.