Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Astro-Guide Mysore Tutorial Classes

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Astro Guide Mysore

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Significations of Sun


Significations of Moon


Significations of Mars


Significations of Mercury


Significations of Jupiter


Significations of Rahu


Significations of Ketu


Sasa Yoga of Saturn

Sasa Yoga of Saturn

Career development is an integral part of everyone’s life. There are many basic questions related directly or indirectly with the aspect of career development like, 

·       When will I get my first job?
·       When will I get a well paying job?
·       When will I get my promotion?
·       Whether I would be selected in the campus interview? Etc…….

Saturn’s placement and the Sasa yoga play an important role in answering the above questions.

Sasa Yoga is conferred when Saturn is exalted or is in its own house (i.e., Capricorn and Aquarius) and is in Kendra (i.e., 1,4,7 or 10th) from the Lagna/Ascendant. This yoga will give its desired results only when Saturn Maha dasha or Antar dasha or Pratyantar dasha is in operation.

Sasa Yoga will have different strength and would give different levels of results based on its position, aspect and conjunction. Here we will discuss the various rashis and the Sasa yoga formed in their case.

Why Sasa Yoga is so important for Career Development?

This is because Saturn is the only planet which has the 10th aspect i.e, aspect on the karmasthana and he is also the karaka for the 10th house. No other planet has the 10th aspect. Also in its dasha period if we take dashalord as the lagna/Ascendant then Saturn will aspect the 10th house from there. During this period, Saturn will make all the corrections required for the native. It will actually reward or punish him depending upon its position in the natal chart. Sasa yoga plays an important part in the native’s career, well being, status, position in the society, source of income, etc.

For Aries (Mesha) Lagna – Saturn is the 10th and 11th Lord. Sasa Yoga will form when it is placed in Capricorn i.e., 10th from aries. In this case, Saturn is the karmadhipati and upachaya sthanadhipati, hence this sasa yoga would be beneficial to the native and would help him to develop and progress in his career during saturn’s period. Also Sasa yoga is formed when Saturn is placed in the 7th (Exalted in Libra) from Aries.  In this case Saturn will give mixed results as it is placed in the 7th which possess a direct opposition to Lagna.

For Taurus Lagna – Saturn being the 9th and 10th lord when is placed in the 10th house i.e. in Aquarius confers Both Sasa Yoga and Maha Raja Yoga. This position of Saturn would be very beneficial to the native and is ranked number 2 position. This will take the native to new heights and achieve higher goals in his life.

For Cancer Lagna – Saturn is the 7th and the 8th Lord. Though Saturn is not a pure benefic planet for this lagna but if it is posited in the 4th i.e. in Libra, its exaltation point, it will bestow good results on the native. In this case 7th Saturn i.e. in Capricorn though confers Sasa Yoga would be less beneficial as compared to Sasa yoga formed with Saturn in 4th house.

For Leo Lagna – Saturn is the 6th and the 7th Lord. It is not a benefic planet for this lagna hence Sasa yoga formed in this scenario will not be as powerful as compared to other Lagna. Sasa yoga will form when Saturn will be posited in 7th house i.e. in Aquarius. In this particular case, a Retro Saturn posited in 7th will be more beneficial than a direct Saturn. A direct Saturn will boost and give more Ego to the native. Being a Leo lagna, the native would already be thinking very high of himself. So a direct Saturn in 7th house will add on to this and pump up the Ego of the native resulting in negative results. This combination may spoil many good things in native’s life.

For all the four corners i.e. the dual rashis (Gemini, Virgo, Saggitarius and Pisces) Sasa Yoga is not applicable.

For Libra Lagna – Saturn is the 4th and the 5th Lord for this lagna. The best Sasa Yoga is formed when Saturn is in lagna itself. It makes the native very strong in character, personality and a determined person. The placement of Saturn in libra confers a very strong Dhana Yoga. The native will have immense wealth and he would not have to face any monetary problems in most of his life time. Even the placement of Saturn in Makara gives Sasa yoga but the former position of Saturn is much more beneficial as compared to this latter position.

For Scorpio Lagna – Saturn is the 3rd and the 4th Lord. Saturn’s placement in the Aquarius confers Sasa Yoga. Being the lord of 3rd house i.e. Upachaya Sthana , it would give good results but being the 4th lord the results would be of mixed nature.

For Capricorn Lagna -  Saturn is the 1st and the 2nd lord. Sasa yoga is conferred when Saturn is placed either in the Lagna itself or in the 10th House i.e. in libra. Out of these two placements, Saturn posited in the Libra is the best Sasa Yoga formed. We can also rank this position of Saturn as the number 1 followed by Taurus lagna (Saturn in Aquarius) and 3rd position by Libra lagna (Saturn in Libra).

Why Capricorn Lagna Sasa Yoga formed in Libra is the strongest?

Saturn being the lagna and the 2nd lord posited in 10th gives immense strength to the horoscope. This is the strongest Dhana and Karma Yoga. Also Lagna lord posited in 10th confers Amala Yoga. This position of Saturn gives poornaayu.

For Aquarius Lagna – Saturn is the 1st and the 12th Lord. Saturn’s position in Lagna itself confers Sasa Yoga. This Sasa yoga would give normal results. The native will see both ups and downs during Saturn’s period because along with the lagna lord , it is also the 12th Lord. The native can immigrate to foreign lands if the chart is supported by other planets like Retro Jupiter/Rahu, etc.

Sasa Yoga is the only Yoga which makes a person selfless. All the other yogas make a person selfish in some way or the other, but Sasa yoga is purely selfless in nature.

Even with the Gajakesari Yoga (formed with a combination of Jupiter and Moon) the native would want recognition, fame, respect, honour, felicitations, etc.. The native in this case wants social/public recognition.

If any person has developed or progressed or scaled heights in his life due to Sasa Yoga, then it is very clear that it is because of sheer hard work, perseverance and determination. There is no short-cut or luck playing the role. It’s purely efforts of the native himself.

The answer to questions pertaining to career, jobs, promotions etc. , Saturn’s position in the natal chart and its transit plays an important role. When Saturn transits over 10th house or the 10th lord beneficially, it triggers positive events. Benefic transit of Saturn is – when it transits over 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th house from Lagna or the Moon. During this transit period, the native’s running dasha should also be favorable and supportive. 

Go through my Video on Youtube for Sasa Yoga 
