Thursday, November 13, 2014

Understanding Kundali or Horoscope

Understanding Kundali or Horoscope

All classical texts acknowledge that the Rasi Kundali represents the human body with the ascendant indicating the head and the 12th indicating the sole of the feet.

All the other body parts fall into place as follows:

1. Ascendant : Crown of the head, the face and the body in totality (since the 1st house represent the physical self)

2. II house : The Eyes (especially the right eye), the nose, the teeth, jaws, tongue, cheeks etc.

3. III house : The throat, the vocal chords, thyroid gland, the arms and the upper part of the chest which includes the collar bones and the shoulders.

4. IV house : The chest, the mammary glands, the upper part of the heart, food pipe, lungs, rib cage, etc.

5. V house : The lower part of the chest, the heart, diaphragm, stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, egg, sperm, etc.

6. VI house : The small intestines, urinary bladder, abdomen in general

7. VII house : The large intestine, the kidneys, the lumbar area of the spinal chord, back bone, ovary, etc

8. VIII house : The genital organs, the anus, buttocks, etc

9. IX house : The thighs, upper part of the varicose veins, etc.

10. X house : The knee joint

11. XI house : The calf muscle and the Shin bone

12. XII house : The feet below the ankle inclusive of the sole.

The above classification is a basic definition.

But, when we see to it in detail, we understand that the 12 houses run from top to bottom i.e from head to toe.

The chakras as defined in a human body (which are also known as power points) are as follows:

1. Sahasrara : The crown chakra which is located above the crown of the head

2. Agnya : Located a little above the midpoint between the eyes

3. Vishuddhi : Located near the throat (which is also commonly known as the Throat chakra)

4. Anahat : Located at the Heart or the center of the chest.

5. Nabhi : Located at the Solar Plexus

6. Swadisthana : Located near the spleen

7. Mooladhara : Located at the anus or the Root chakra.

This is called the Kundalini theory in which there are techniques to control these chakras and obtain a certain level of realization.

Not letting the chakra theory consume our topic, let us move on to understand the placement of the Kundali (the Horoscope) in sync with the Chakras.

The characteristics of these chakras will synchronize with the characteristics of the seven planets.

Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn descend from the Sahasrara to the Mooladhara in a sequential order.

Both the nodes the Rahu and the Ketu are called outsiders or the mlechchagrahas. This is a clear indication that both these planets have cosmic strengths which act at opposite poles.  

Rahu is present in the baser region of the root and since it encompasses it, the mooladhara is the toughest chakra to be controlled by human beings.  Rahu is the significator of sensual pleasure, lust and other baser needs which keep the human aura entangled into its strong grip.  

Ketu is present above the Sahasrara as a Halo (usually depicted as a circle of light behind a saints head). Ketu is a Moksha karaka or the significator of realization (of both the self and the creator).

Hence both Rahu and Ketu have not been assigned any physical form in astrology.

Here we can understand the classification as :

Sun and Moon are Luminaries and hence control our consciousness and thought process.

Mars and Mercury control our aggression, motivation, activity and metabolism.

Jupiter controls our digestion, pancreas, liver, gall bladder, stomach, etc.

Venus control our blood circulation, sex organs, veins, etc.

Saturn controls our movement, excretory organs, sleep, etc.

The word Kundali which is used as a synonym to Horoscope is in actual sense referring to our chakras and the other organs which lie in a specific pattern along the spinal chord.

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Sheshachalam Iyengar
Jyotish Visharad -
(for online Astrology and Tarot classes contact : +91-7338608070)