Saturday, December 25, 2010

Ketu and its influence on a Native

Astro Guide Mysore

Ketu is a sensitive point of intersection of the descending arc of the Moon - Earth orbit and the Sun Earth orbit.  This is also called as the Descending Node and is always 180 degrees opposite to Rahu.

In this article the major characteristics and influences of Ketu is discussed.

Both Rahu and Ketu are said to be benefically disposed in a chart, if they are posited alone without any aspect on them.  But this is a rarity.  Hence we have to consider the other planetary influences additional to what has been discussed below.

Ketu makes a person very Intelligent and Acute.  The Person will have high capabilities to go into every detail of any small thing.  This may sometimes make him restless and hyper active.  In many cases the spouse of the native with this type of a character complains about his unnecessary intervention into all matters.

Ketu also makes the person indifferent towards formal education. Most cases where Ketu has interrupted the native's education, has helped him to go through practical / technical education informally.  The person goes into business or as a mechanic for example early in his life.

A native with strong Ketu may go into the area of research.  The native will get soo much immersed into his research that he will start losing interest in the real world outside.  He attaches no importance to the outward looks of himself, others or anything.

All my Gurujis have said one common sentence "Observation is the Key to Knowledge".

You can notice many people who get immersed into themselves and have no time even to exchange plesantaries.  Their diet is frugal, cold and dont mind if the food is served or if they have to help themselves.

Ketu gives a native immense concentration and hence is good for gaining knowledge. Ketu can elevate a native to a very high plane of spiritual knowledge.  The planets which hinder this progress are Venus (material tendancies), Mercury (too realistic, practical and less goal oriented) and Moon (fickle mindedness and depression).

Natives with Ketu in required positions for profession can get into professions like Journalists, Critics, Consultants, Editors, Quality Inspectors, Teachers (a little controversial), Lawyers, Preachers, Surgeons, Hair Stylists, Modern Arts and many more.

Ketu is not a good debater with regard to the present world.  They are perfectionists when it comes to debate and it is very difficult for them to survive this world full of Mercury, Rahu and Mars. Ketu only takes refuge to logical points and does not speculate.  Hence a person with a strong Ketu in the fifth and a malefically disposed Mercury in the trik houses should never go into speculations over stocks and shares.

The native succumbs into solitude and feels lonesome due to Ketu's influence on lagna or lagna lord.   Sometimes people prefer peaceful and tranquil areas to make their home.  This is also due to Ketu's aspect on the required positions/bhavas.

Ketu suggests barrenness and infertility.  This is because he is the karaka for ending ones Karma (Moksha Karaka).  In many cases it so happens that the native begets children after a difficult medical situation or after a minor/major operation.  In my experience many cases with Ketu in the 5th have been blessed with children.  Hence this aspect has to be studied in detail.  All aspects of planets and the saptamsa should be considered before propounding a statement.

Generally Ketu suggests the place of stay of a native may be barren, cold and arid.  Ketu also suggest poisonous creatures/bites.

Depending on the palcement of Ketu in the Rasi and Drekkana, it has to be concurred that, the specified body part / organ of the native's body is weakly constituted and that there is a possibility that the native may succumb to illness or failures of those organs / body parts.

Abrupt flow of blood or scanty flow of blood to the body part where ketu is posited is very important and has to be studied in detail.  Ketu in lagna may make the native anemic when its dasa/period is in progress or in its transit (which has to be assertained after further study into planetary transits)

Ketu governs fracture to bones. Sun who is the karaka for bones and their strength should be well placed to avoid the negative manifestations of Ketu. Here the synonyms of fracture - break/split/depart/tear/rupture  puncture/crack and many more are not to be taken only physically.  They are to be applied with regard to all the bhavas and their karakatwas.  For example, if Ketu is malefically disposed in the 10 house and its dasa/period is in operation, then there is a possibility of sudden termination/suspension from job.  There might also be a period of tension and joblessness. It also suggests retirement from profession.

In the field of Medical Astrology, Ketu plays an important role. It throws light into the field by suggesting the ways and methods used in the operation.  Whether the patient was operated by making a big insertion or if it was a key hole surgery.  Whether the native has to undergo surgery for removal of Kidney stones or if the native can go through Laser surgery. Ketu represents all sharp cutting instruments. There is wast scope for research in this area of medical astrology.

Ketu also throws light into the natives habits and addictions.  Nowadays Drug addiction is a bane to society and has to be tackled by one and all astrologers very scientifically.  Many patient counseling sessions are to be conducted with the native to make him realize the gravity of the situation he has got himself into and methods that can assist him recover into being a normal human being.

Ketu with Mercury makes the native cunning in matters of daily life. The native will gain the art of blending into situations.

Most of the natives with Ketu in the Lagna or with Lagna Lord do not come out in open and hence are shy of fame. These natives donot reveal things and are secretive.  Until it is otherwise disposed along with extrovert planets.

Ketu may give the native colourful eyes (cat eyes). Ketu also causes blindness if malefically disposed along with luminaries and the second lord. He causes disruption of supply of blood to the eyes causing many opthalmic illness.

Ketu is also karaka for Brittleness, Frozen objects, Objects that can shatter into pieces (like glass), Failure to start any thing, Stoppage, Seizures of the heart and brain, Rupture of the Varicose, Leucoderma, Conjuctivitis, etc.

I have limited myself to concentrate only on the ramifications of Ketu and rather divulge into the combinations of Ketu along with other planets which I propose to discuss in my later additions.

Watch my Astrology Videos on youtube :

Sheshachalam Iyengar
Jyotish Visharad :
(for online Astrology and Tarot classes contact : +91-7338608070)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Rahu and its influence on Lagna

Astro Guide Mysore

Rahu is a sensitive point (Ascending Node), the point of intersection of the orbit of Moon around the Earth and the Sun around the Earth (Eccliptic).  This sensitive point has gained immense importance in the field of Predictive Astrology.

In this article we are only discussing the placement of Rahu in Lagna/Ascendant and its influence on the native's behavioural patterns and situations.

The general characteristics of Rahu with regard to the subject we are about to discuss are :
Faulty Logic, Irreligious, Wanders far away from place of birth/stay, Humiliation, Depending on others support for living, Falsehood, Wickedness, Harsh Speech, Confused state, Dirty, Materialistic, etc.

After considerable interaction with people who have Rahu in lagna.  It can be said that some profound characters of Rahu do influence the behavioural pattern of these people.

Most of the natives with Rahu in lagna have accepted that they get confused when they have decisions to make.  This does not make the native fickle minded, but the native gets involved into deciding whether to go this way or that, that the native loses his confidence.

Rahu who has the capacity to mask the natives strength to think will bring down ones concentration.  This is usually seen with regard to children who do not concentrate on studies and often are regarded as dull headed.  These children are surely not dull headed and are very good at practical knowledge, but, due to the presence of Rahu in the lagna, it takes a lot more time for one to get a grip on a subject.

Rahu is also well known for pseudo dignity.  General observation shows that all do not dye their hair once they start becoming grey, but, some make it a ritual and they cannot imagine themselves without it.

This pseudo dignity / false image is the influence of Rahu on lagna.  People start putting lot of time into trimming their tummies, applying makeup, do anything to look younger and in the process sometimes look very odd. They become soo stubborn that they do not heed to any of their friends or family members who keep telling that they look odd.

Rahu like mars gives aggressiveness and falsehood.  The native succumbs to its pressure and resorts to telling lies and gets things done using unethical practices.

Rahu also influences the native with its obsessive characteristics. Sometimes this is positive if the obsession is creative and developmental, but, the same if is detrimental, the native will suffer from many disorders.  Rahu imbibes desire into the native and does not rest till it is accomplished. A negative / unrealistic desire may put the native into a lot of intangible knots.

All the above compulsions may result in a persons humiliation in society and may lead to a lot of emotional conflicts, legal battles, etc.

Due to the confused state of affairs, the native may resort to unethical means to satisfy himself. The native may resort to bullying, debate and sometimes get into physical conflicts.

Rahu makes the native lose his stand in his own place/country.  This sometimes results in the native getting a chance abroad.  Though going abroad is regarded as a boon these days, one has to suffer living alone far away from his family and loved ones.  Has to eat food prepared in hotels or road sides.  In reality the native is in exile from his motherland and goes through a lot of anxious moments. 

It is seen from my practice that most of the cases wherein the person has consulted an astrologer for the first time in his life, is when the native is running through the major/minor periods (dasas) of Rahu, wherein Rahu is influencing the lagna or the lagna lord.

Since this is a very elaborate subject I think one article will not suffice the topic and I hope to write more.

Watch my Astrology Videos on youtube :

Sheshachalam Iyengar
Jyotish Visharad :
(for online Astrology and Tarot classes contact : +91-7338608070)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Format for Calculating Lagna (with example) - (courtesy - Prof. E. Ravindran)

Astro Guide Mysore
Lagna / Ascendant Calculation

Input : 1. P.O.B, 2. T.O.B and 3. D.O.B

From Lahiri's Indian Ephemeris (page 144 to 158)

Place Longitude :
Place Lattitude  :

1. I.S.T of birth (AM / PM)                                                     :      h     m    s
2. LMT correction (where the place longitude/lattitude is available    :
    and next column of longitude)                          
3. LMT at P.O.B (AM / PM)     (step 1 + 2)                                   :
4. S.T at 12 Noon on Birth Date, Birth Month and Birth Year          :
    for 82 deg 30 mins (from Table of Asc : Table no. 1 pg 2 & 3)
5. Correction for Birth Year                                                            :
    (From Table of Asc Table no. 11 page 3 & 4)
6. S.T at 12 Noon on Birth Date, Birth Month and Birth Year         :
    for 82 deg and 30 mins (step 4 + 5)
7. Correction for Place of Birth (where the place longitude /            :
     lattitude is available and last column)
8. S.T at 12 Noon on Birth Date, Birth Month and Birth Year         :
    at the Place of Birth        (step 6 + 7)
9. Time interval (TI) between 12 Noon and L.M.T of Birth             :   12 h          00 m    00 s
    (if L.M.T is PM then T.I is L.M.T itself)

                                        (-) step 3                                               :
                                          Time Interval                                       :

10. Correction for T.I (from Table of Asc, Table no. 4 page 5)

                        a) for              hours                                               :

                        b) for              mins                                                :

                            for               h              m     (a+b)                      :
11. The increase in T.I     (step 9 + 10)                                          :
12. S.T at the time of Birth (Please see note below)                        :
      From S.T latitude of place, from the Table of Ascendant, to calculate Lagna by interpolation method.

13. For         deg North       Asc                   =
      For         deg North       Asc                   =
      For         variation                                   =

      For          deg North         Mins       Asc  =

14. Aynamsa correction (from Table of Ascendant Pg. 6                :
      for Birth Year  

Note :

a) if T.O.B is AM
    S.T = step 8 - step 11
          if step 8 is < step 11, then
    S.T = (step 8 + 24 hours) - step 11
b) if T.O.B is PM
    S.T = step 8 + step 11
c) if S.T > 24 hours then subtract 24 hours from it to get S.T
     1) for southern latitude, add 12 hours to the S.T as Modified Sidereal Time (MST).
         if M.S.T > 24 hours then subtract 24 hours to get M.S.T
     2) for southern latitude, add 6 signs to the Ascendant.
         If Ascendant is > 12 signs then subtract 12 signs to get the ascendant.

Example Calculation Sheet

Lagna / Ascendant Calculation

Input : 1. P.O.B : Bangalore
           2. T.O.B : 11 hours 54 mins (PM)
           3. D.O.B : 25.09.1970

From Lahiri's Indian Ephemeris (page 144 to 158)

Place Longitude :  77 E 36
Place Lattitude   :  12 N 58

1. I.S.T of birth (AM / PM)                                                             :       11  h    54  m  00 s
2. LMT correction (where the place longitude/lattitude is available    :  (-) 00  h    19 m   36 s
    and next column to longitude)                          
3. LMT at P.O.B (AM / PM)     (step 1 + 2)                                   :       11 h     34 m   24 s  
4. S.T at 12 Noon on Birth Date, Birth Month and Birth Year          :        12 h    14 m   29 s
    for 82 deg 30 mins (from Table of Asc : Table no. 1 pg 2 & 3)
5. Correction for Birth Year                                                            :   (+) 00 h    00 m   11 s
    (From Table of Asc Table no. 11 page 3 & 4)
6. S.T at 12 Noon on Birth Date, Birth Month and Birth Year         :         12 h     14 m   40 s
    for 82 deg and 30 mins (step 4 + 5)
7. Correction for Place of Birth (where the place longitude /            :    (+) 00 h     00 m   02 s
     lattitude is available and last column)
8. S.T at 12 Noon on Birth Date, Birth Month and Birth Year         :          12 h     14 m   42 s
    at the Place of Birth        (step 6 + 7)
9. Time interval (TI) between 12 Noon and L.M.T of Birth             :   12 h          00 m    00 s
    (if L.M.T is PM then T.I is L.M.T itself)

                                        (-) step 3                                               :
                                          Time Interval                                       :     11 h    34 m    24 s 
                                       (since TOB is PM)

10. Correction for T.I (from Table of Asc, Table no. 4 page 5)

                        a) for      11   hours                                               :  (+)   00 h   01 m  48 s

                        b) for              mins                                                :  (+)   00 h  00 m  06 s

                            for               h              m     (a+b)                      :          00 h  01 m  54 s
11. The increase in T.I     (step 9 + 10)                                          :          11 h   36 m  18 s
12. S.T at the time of Birth (Please see note below)                        :          23 h   51 m  00 s
      From S.T latitude of place, from the Table of Ascendant, to calculate Lagna by interpolation method.

     (Banglaore place latitude : 12 N 58 can be directly looked up in page 20)

13. For    12 deg North       Asc                   =  2 sign   9 deg   47 mins
      For    13 deg North       Asc                   =  2 sign  10 deg  12 mins
      For         variation                                   =                         25 mins

    Calculation to for 58 mins to get to 12 deg and 58 mins (Bangalore)

     1 latitude = 25 mins (from above step 13)
     therefore 60 mins = 25 mins
     then        58 mins = 22.30  (or 22 mins 18 secs)  = 22 mins

      For    12 deg North  58 Mins       Asc  =            2 sign 09 deg 47 mins
                                                                      (+)     0 sign 00 deg 22 mins
                                                                                2 sign 10 deg  09 mins

14. Aynamsa correction (from Table of Ascendant Pg. 6                :        2 sign 10 deg 09 mins
      for Birth Year  1970                                                                  (-)   0 sign  0 deg  27 mins
                                                                                                             2 sign  09 deg 42 mins

The Ascendant falls in Gemini at 9 degrees and 42 mins

Note :

a) if T.O.B is AM
    S.T = step 8 - step 11
          if step 8 is < step 11, then
    S.T = (step 8 + 24 hours) - step 11
b) if T.O.B is PM
    S.T = step 8 + step 11
c) if S.T > 24 hours then subtract 24 hours from it to get S.T
     1) for southern latitude, add 12 hours to the S.T as Modified Sidereal Time (MST).
         if M.S.T > 24 hours then subtract 24 hours to get M.S.T
     2) for southern latitude, add 6 signs to the Ascendant.
         If Ascendant is > 12 signs then subtract 12 signs to get the ascendant.

Watch my Astrology Videos on youtube
Sheshachalam Iyengar
Jyotish Visharad :
(for online Astrology and Tarot classes contact : +91-7338608070)