Saturday, October 4, 2014

Kalasarpa Yoga

Astro Guide Mysore

Kalasarpa Yoga

The name Kalasarpa in the astrological study means the clockwise arc between the rahu and ketu, inclusive of rahu and ketu degree points.

Most of it is a myth since the term Kalasarpa Dosha or Kalasarpa Yoga has not been discussed in Classics.   Although, many ancient scholars have discussed about this subject in-depth.

There are many variations of Kalasarpa, I have deliberated a few below :-

1.   If all planets are situated between Rahu and Ketu including the Ascendant
2.   If all planets are situated between Rahu and Ketu excluding the Ascendant
3.   If all the planets are situated between Rahu and Ketu but one or two planets are conjunct with Rahu or Ketu
4.   If all the planets are posited between Ketu and Rahu and as above condition.

Horoscope with any of the above said conditions is said to have KSY. 
After a lot of study and analyse, the natives with Kalasarpa Yoga donot have to fear dire consequences, since the negative effects of this yoga have been hyped. 

KSY gives good effects depending on the position of planets.  It can confer High Status, Financial Prosperity and Luxuries. 

Dr. B.V Raman, in his book of "Three Hundred Important Combinations" has requested the general public to change their perspective towards this yoga and relax their mindsets and not to fall prey to faulty astrologers who inculcate fear into their clients and force them pay large sums of money towards performing poojas and homas.

To conclude, let us put it this way, "there is no such yoga, and still if there is one, it is not that negative".

Watch my Astrology Videos on youtube :

Sheshachalam Iyengar
Jyotish Visharad -
(for online Astrology and Tarot classes contact : +91-7338608070)

Friday, October 3, 2014

A Case study on Insomnia

Astro Guide Mysore

Analysis of Insomnia

About the illness:

In cases of insomnia the patient suffers from not getting sleep in the regular night hours and feels awake and fresh.  In chronic cases, the patient additionally suffers from migraine.

This illness disturbs the routine of the native and unsettles the peaceful family life. This affects the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) which in turn affects the digestive system.

In most of the cases it is due to palpitation of the heart and the pulse which does not slowdown to sleeping pulse. The cause may be anxiety, worries, stress or Hypertension (High BP) and so on.

Excessive intake of Coffee, Tea, Drugs and Smoking are the main causes of insomnia.

Due to this illness, the native’s activity becomes lethargic and sluggish.  Thinking or thought process of the native is hampered. This problem may lead to many major diseases or illnesses. 

There is no immediate cure from any medication.  Yoga and Pranayama along with naturopathy will do wonders.  In severe cases the native has to go through repetitive counseling and psychotherapy. Following good Diet and Nutrition and bringing the native back to routine is important.

This case study is to analyze the charts using Astrological Parameters and make students understand its utility in the field of diagnostics.

Planets and their significations (required for this analysis)

1.    Sun                    - Consciousness and Blood Pressure
2.    Moon                 - Mind and Emotion
3.    Mars                  - Activity and Aggression
4.    Mercury             - Nerves
5.    Saturn               - Lethargy, Sluggishness
6.    Rahu                 - Confused mindset, Worries and Palpitation
7.    Ketu                 - Depression, Loneliness and Fear

Houses (Bhavas) and their lords which are to be considered

1.    1st house           - Head and Brain
2.    5th house          - Heart and Dreams
3.    10th house         - Anxiety of Karma
4.    12th house         - Sayanasthana (Bed room)

Case No. 1




Janma Kundali

Navamsha Kundali




Balance dasa at birth: Saturn – 18y 9m 17d

At the first glance the papa karthari yoga to the Lagna is to be noted.  The papa karthari yoga is due to the position of Rahu and Saturn on either side of the Ascendant.  The Moon + Saturn combination makes a person melancholic.

Rahu is posited in the 12th and Venus the 12th lord is posited in the 6th along with Ketu the lord of depression.  The native is suffering from a chronic case of insomnia throughout her Venus Maha Dasa and till date through the Sun Maha Dasa.

 Case No. 2




Janma Kundali
Navamsha Kundali




Balance dasa at birth: Saturn – 8y 6m 3d

The native is suffering from the start of Sun dasa from March 2008. The 1st house is afflicted by the position go Saturn in it.  A strong papakarthari yoga has happened to the lagna with Rahu and Mercury flanking it.

The problem of insomnia started in the Sun Dasa.  Here Venus and Sun both are posited in the 2nd pada of Purvaphalguni Nakshatra.  Venus is totally combust. 

Along with the problem of Insomnia the native is also suffering from palpitation, variable BP (both high and low) and head ache due to the position of Sun.

She is also suffering from kidney dysfunction and diabetes from past 10 years.
A strong affliction to the 6th house can be seen.

(Note: Chart details are not revealed due to confidentiality)

Moon controls the thought process and hence a controls the activity of the Mind.  If the flow of thought process does not come under a certain level then the mind will not be able to rest and sleep.  The pulse and heartbeat will keep on working as though the person is fully active.  It has been a mystery to science and psychologists around the world to understand and solve this problem.

All streams of medical systems have agreed that counseling and psychotherapy is the best method to reduce the activity of mind and bring it to peace.

Watch my Astrology Videos on youtube :

Author :
Sheshachalam Iyengar
Jyotish Visharad
(for online Astrology and Tarot classes contact : +91-7338608070)

Case Study on Varicose Veins

Astro Guide Mysore

Varicose  Veins

About the dysfunction:

Varicose Veins is a dysfunction happens when the valves of the veins which carry blood from the legs backward to the heart fail.  Blood flow becomes slow and hence becomes thick and dense resulting in swelling of the veins.  A noticeable blue coloration of the veins, disfigurement and sometimes internal rupture/bleeding also can happen in severe cases.

Cause: People who have jobs wherein they mostly stand acquire this problem fast (ex. Teachers, Sportsmen, Traffic Police, Security, Bus conductors, etc.).  Now-a-days software professionals who continuously sit in their seats succumb to this dysfunction, due to lack of blood circulation to the lower parts of the limbs.

Effect: Initially this results in cramps and pain in the legs. It becomes difficult to climb stairs or stand for a long time.  In the second level, there is visible dark coloration of the veins in the legs.  In the third level, the veins swell and protrude out so that one can feel by moving their hand on the affected area. In severe cases there is internal bleeding due to vein rupture and later may cause bacterial infection.

Cure: Since it is a permanent damage to the valves and they cannot be replaced, there are very less options for cure.
Wearing stockings gives relief and delays the advancement of the problem to next stages.
In cases where there is no use of stockings, the veins are removed.  In this case the person suffers from pain for almost a year until other subsidiary veins take up the load.
Yoga and Pranayama have proved very effective in curing this dysfunction when diagnosed in initial stages.

This case study is to analyze the charts using Astrological Parameters and make students understand its utility in the field of diagnostics.

Planets and their significations (required for this analysis)

1.   Sun             - Potency of Blood
2.   Moon          - The water portion of Blood
3.   Mars           - Red Blood Corpuscles (RBC), Eruptions on the skin
4.   Mercury      - Skin
5.   Jupiter        - Lipids and Obesity
6.   Venus         - Veins
7.   Saturn        - Legs and Feet
8.   Rahu           - Swelling and Toxic matter
9.   Ketu            - Stoppage of blood and Surgery

Houses (Bhavas) and their lords which are to be considered

1.   9th house     - Upper part of the thighs
2.   10th house   - Lower part of the thighs
3.   11th house   - Calf muscles and Shin bone area
4.   12th house   - Feet below the ankle
5.   6th lord        - Lord of diseases

Case No.1

In the below shown case the native in his young age was an active sportsman.  He was good at Volley Ball and Foot Ball and played at District level.


Janma Kundali
Navamsha Kundali

Balance dasa at birth : Saturn – 7y–9m-22d
Saturn the lord of the 9th and 10th and Jupiter the lord of 8th and 11th are placed in the Ascendant.  Both the planets are retrograde in motion.  Venus the significator of Veins is placed in the 8th house making it weak. Mercury the significator of Skin is placed in the 6th.

It was in the Sun dasa which started on 10.07.1993 the problem surfaced.  Mars the dispositor of Sun is placed in the 11th house.  Mars is also the 12th lord.  The 10th house is afflicted by the placement of Ketu.  The problem very quickly caught up and though the native was using stockings very diligently, surgery could not be avoided.  In the Maha Dasa of Sun and Antar Dasa of Ketu the Surgery took placed.  Veins were removed from both the legs.

Case No. 2

Janma Kundali
Navamsha Kundali

Balance dasa at birth : Saturn – 11y–6m-22d
The native is tall and very active.  She has continuously been in jobs where she would require standing for long hours.  This has contributed to the degeneration of the varicose valves.

Venus is the 8th lord placed in the 9th house. Jupiter the 6th lord is placed in the 11th house aspected by Saturn from the 2nd house (10th aspect).  Mars (retrograde) is aspecting venus (4th aspect). Saturn the significator of legs is afflicted by conjunction with Rahu and the 10th lord Moon.

The problem in her legs was diagnosed in the Maha dasa of Venus.  The problem became severe when the veins ruptured and there was internal bleeding.  Surgery was performed in the dasa of Venus/Ketu to arrest bleeding, but the veins were not removed.

From the above two charts we can analyze that all the planets involved have their roles to perform. As astrologers we can use these parameters and make aware the native of the effects of this dysfunction.  Early corrective measures in, daily routine and exercise, diet and nutrition and timely rest to the legs in stressed working conditions, will surely help in a big way.  Many have realized the importance of this science of medical astrology and have made good progress in tackling problems related to the varicose more effectively.

For students of astrology, the main focus should be on Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu.  Their placements and influence should be studied in detail.

(Note: Chart details are not revealed due to confidentiality)

Watch my Astrology Videos on youtube :


Sheshachalam Iyengar
Jyotish Visharad -
(for online Astrology and Tarot classes contact : +91-7338608070)