Friday, November 26, 2010

9th Lord (Bhagyasthanadhipathi)

Astro Guide Mysore

9th lord which is also called the Bhagyasthanadhipathi is said to be the most benefic and important planet. 

In this article lets go in detail for each lagna and see whether the 9th lord is really 100 % benefic or not.

In the case of Aries Ascendant, the 9th lord is Jupiter. The 9th house Saggitarius, is its Moolatrikona house.  Jupiter is also the lord of 12th and hence has dual role to play. Being a lord of the 12th house, Jupiter cannot be a 100% benefic.

Saturn becomes an ultimate benefic for Tarus Ascendant, since it is the 9th and the 10th lord.  Being the Dharma and Karmasthanadhipathi, it alone can give 100% results, depending on its placement.

The 9th house falls in Aquarius in the case of Gemini Ascendant.  Saturn here owns both Capricorn and Aquarius being the 8th and the 9th lord. Saturn acts as a badaka (creates hurdles and harships) in this case and hence Saturn cannot be called as benefic in this regard. Only if Saturn is associated with a benefic Mercury in a Kendra or Trikona it can give rise to benefic results. 

For Cancer Ascendant, the 9th house falls in Pisces.  Jupiter is the lord or both 6th and the 9th house making it a partial benefic.  It again cannot be called a total benefic due to its dual lordship. 

In the case of Leo Ascendant, the lord of the 9th house Aries is Mars. It is also the lord of the 4th house.  Since Mars is lord of a Kendra (Quadrant) and Trikona (Thrine), it makes it a 100% benefic. Its placement with the Ascendant lord Sun can give rise to Rajayogas.

The 9th lord is Venus for Virgo Ascendant.  Venus also owns the 2nd house which is a marakashathana (lord who can kill).  This aspect of Venus getting the authority to kill is ignored by some authors, considering the relationship between Mercury and Venus.  Here, Venus can be considered a benefic 9th lord.

For Libra Ascendant, the 9th lord is Mercury.  Here Mercury also owns the 12th house and hence cannot be considered as a total benefic. Mercury will surely give mixed results when its dasa operates.

Cancer is the 9th house for Scorpio Ascendant and its lord is Moon.  Since Moon owns only Cancer, it becomes a total benefic.  The placement of Moon in Scorpio Ascendant horoscopes is to studied in detail, since it plays an important role in the natives life time.

In the case of Saggitarius Ascendant, the 9th lord is Sun (Lord of Leo). Sun exalts in Aries which is the 5th from Saggitarius and hence making it 100% benefic.

Mercury becomes the 9th lord with regard to Capricorn Ascendant.  Since Mercury owns both the 6th and the 9th from Capricorn, it gives mixed results when its dasa operates. But, here we can consider that Virgo is Mercury's Moolatrikona and hence will tend to give more benefic results than malefic results of the 6th house.

Venus is the 9th lord for Aquarius Ascendant. In this case Venus is the 4th and the 9th lord, making it the lord of a kendra (Quadrant) and Trikona (Thrine).  Venus is an ultimate benefic for this Ascendant.

In the case of Pisces Ascendant, the 9th house falls in Scorpio. Here Mars owns both the 2nd and the 9th house. Mars owns the 2nd house, some authors opine that Mars being a friend of Jupiter will not kill though it is a maraka.  Mars can be considered as a benefic in this case.

The 9th lords are also badaka lords (Hurdle creators) for fixed rasi ascendants. This point has to be taken care along with placements, aspects and conjuntions of other planets.

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